The General Conversation Area

the Tumblr thing, where ya been buddy? Tumblrs been tanking for the last few weeks thanks to their cooperate overlords
Well as I'm just now coming to understand it, this seems to have gone from announcement to implementation within the space of about two weeks. Seems people are going back to DeviantArt (though they can be pretty censorious themselves) and, amazingly, Newgrounds, a place I probably haven't set foot in approximately 47 years. Still, all power to anyone not part of the big media cabal.
It may just be the channels I watch on YouTube, but I'm always seeing a really hard lean to the political left particularly in media cooperations, it's a little ironic that the message of "tolerance" and "inclusion" sound more like... hippy stuff, when hippies were originally more anti - establishment and anti- cooperate, they'd call out pandering. Now people who aren't hippies can call out the "tolerant" stuff as pandering as outside of cooperate and media image it isn't that much of a talking point
It may just be the channels I watch on YouTube, but I'm always seeing a really hard lean to the political left particularly in media cooperations
I think frankly that's partisan stuff stirred up by (ironically, easily offended) people who don't really understand how corporations operate. Massive engines of global capitalism don't tend to be "left leaning" by their very nature as the corporate rights lobbying, tax avoiding, shareholder and investment capital beholden beasts they are. What they DO tend to do however is follow what they believe to be public opinion in the interests of profit. It's why it was very difficult to get certain "objectionable" content in western cartoons in the 1990s, because the "soccer moms" in the US were seen as an important demographic they didn't want to turn against them and stop their kids from watching their cartoons, hit their viewing figures and their ad revenue. What's happening now with the internet is similar with more and more websites falling into the hands of these media giants. They freak out that they might draw the wrong kind of attention from the children of the soccer moms who grew up into basically the same thing, and now make the exact same arguments about public morals from the left rather than the right.

The enemy here isn't on one particular side of the political spectrum, it's anyone anywhere on it who thinks other people should have to conduct themselves by their moral code, which as far as I'm concerned is a totalitarian mindset common to religious extremists and liberal/conservative moral crusaders alike. The corporations are scared of these people because they're scared of losing their business when I think actually, they massively overestimate the amount of business these small groups of freedom of expression hating extremists generate, just as many people personally opposed to them (who tend to do stuff like rant about them on YouTube, perhaps ironically serving to amplify them further) tend to - because they shout the loudest. Really, I think if everyone just told them where to stick it very little would actually happen. There aren't nearly enough of them to force anyone else to change what they're doing, and certainly not to force huge multinational corporations to do anything.

The decisions these companies take are based on a perceived threat, not an actual threat. And I think sooner or later these companies will realise that and stop trying to appease these people. It only took Valve about a week to realise that, so there's some hope.
Ever have one of those days where you just wanna press the big red button on the world?
Maybe not quite so drastic, but when we swap stories about the newsworthy stupidity of some people in the world today, @Neil.T and I do often talk about wanting to ping the proverbial bell and get off Earth at the next available stop...
I wish they'd stop dicking about and implement some proper laws regarding drones and make the police enforce them. What we really need is mandatory licensing and requiring drones to have geofencing & gps.

Edit: I probably should mention that I am a drone user myself & comply to all the laws, even the stupid ones (like the ridiculous signal strength limitations.)
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Alright you lot *chinks glass to get attention*

I would like to take this moment to raise a mince pie to you lovely people and wish you all a Happy Pre-Christmas Weekend! 🎊🎉👍
May you stay safe if you're out (or even in) celebrating (though I imagine many a wallet/purse is convalescing at the moment). Otherwise, just have a smashing weekend whatever it is you're doing 😃 😄

I, however, am a boring old fart, so I shall be drinking tea and staying in - @Neil.T! Put the kettle on! 🤣
Why does my daughter lose one of her teeth only when she stays with me? At £2 a tooth being a tooth fairy is getting expensive.
Her gums know when she stays with you, like "dad's got money now NOW!" that or she is deceiving you by detoothing a shark while she's there, could explain why they are serrated and there's been 50 of them, which is beyond human biology
Is this thing on?
Work's been at a standstill more than once... anyway;
I'm bored, so here's this
I am the goblin slayer
slayer of goblins
I have made my life's work to slay goblins
Never have I come across a goblin I wouldn't slay
should I encounter beastmen, demon or orc
I have no quarrel
I have made my choice
I am goblin slayer
That’s Christmas in a nutshell really, plus booze and pressies. Can’t believe it’s the 23rd already. Almost time to do my yearly viewing of Die Hard.
and yet my brother thinks there will be nothing on. Die Hard lol. the only thing we got is booze though, I don't think he would let me watch a heckton of anime though.... but but but it isn't christmas without cartoons made by people from a country that celebrate the holiday not for religious reasons but for runaway commercialism!