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Hey, each to their own. I don't complain about that freakish head-thing in your avatar Sy.

Dido, I think you said it was called. :p
I, too, find it exceptionally creepy. And I hate how anime fans just pretend like it's normal to have these kinds of images everywhere.

Funny that the admins lock threads for "fighting" but allow this garbage to be posted without anyone even questioning it's extremely poor taste.
atleast give us a chance to get online and fix it before you start moaning ;)

but yes as much as i love konata it's hardly safe for work so it's spoilered.

incidently i learnt today you can't hide images with spoiler tags

i think it's time to demand a vbullitin board :D
Oh, come on you prudes. How is a girl hugging a pillow even remotely NSFW or "poor taste"? It's either cute or it just isn't your thing. It certainly isn't creepy. Konata is supposed to be 17 FFS.
ayase said:
Oh, come on you prudes. How is a girl hugging a pillow even remotely NSFW or "poor taste"? It's either cute or it just isn't your thing. It certainly isn't creepy. Konata is supposed to be 17 FFS.

i only put it NSFW cause of the Akira image, not Kona chan, u know how much i love my anime other
Quick legal query. The Playtrade User Agreement says this:
2.2.7 The price of any items sold on PlayTrade must be displayed inclusive of delivery and inclusive of any customs and excise duty, VAT and any other taxes associated with the fixed price sale which may be applicable. Sellers will not charge or seek to charge the buyer for any customs and excise duty, VAT or other taxes which are additional to the price displayed for the item on PlayTrade.

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2.2.7 seems to imply customs fees are included in the price, whereas 2.2.8 says its the buyer's job to pay them, and yet the seller's job to 'collect and remit' them.
Does this mean a buyer would have to pay VAT on top of an imported item's price, like usual R1 shopping?
ayase said:
Oh, come on you prudes. How is a girl hugging a pillow even remotely NSFW or "poor taste"? It's either cute or it just isn't your thing. It certainly isn't creepy. Konata is supposed to be 17 FFS.

A girl with no pants on? In an image that's clearly engineered to be sexualised? Both half-naked girls appearing to be pre-pubescent? Yes, of course that's in bad taste! You cannot design something that looks like a 9-year-old girl and just say she's 17 and that makes sexualising the image ok. No, it isn't, and the people who get off on that have a serious problem and it shouldn't be glorified and normalised in anime and on anime boards the way it is. If you want to gawk at half-naked infants, then go to 4chan. I'm pretty sure that's not what AUKN is for.
I was going to write my own reply but I'd just be pretty much echoing what CG wrote. It's images like that which give anime fandom a bad name.
I could attempt to debate this in a mature manner, but I'm pretty sure I've said everything I wanted to say on the subject in the various lolicon hysteria threads over the past year. So instead...

Get back to the 1890's you two. What next; "Ooh, she's showing her ankles! How positively awful!" Like anyone cares about a bit of tame semi-nudity these days. You're on the losing side of history, the Internet will be the tool which finally lays to rest the idea of "public morality". It's time to make way for the morality of the individual where everyone gets to decide for themselves, and f*ck society.

I don't see anything wrong with the image. You do. Fine. But why should you think you have some kind of moral authority over me, or anyone else for that matter? I'd let hardcore porn play on billboards if I was in charge, I just don't care. I don't consider myself responsible for the rest of society, only myself.
Otaku-san said: NSFW

I saw this image and thought it was uber cute and found it slightly funny

Erm i have this on my wall... i dont want to get into a flame war by all means but i was bit shocked when you said it was NSFW, has noone ever looked at megami?
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ayase: Judging by your reply I think you miss the point of why we find images like that so creepy. It's not based on the fact that there is some 'tame semi-nudity' but more on the implications of the image of an underage child in provocative or sexualised situations. Drawn or not.
What I'm saying is I really don't care why you find it creepy, I just don't like the kind of moralistic, self-righteous overtones that CG's post has. I think people should refrain from imposing their moral values on others, and complaining about images on a public forum does just that.

I happen to not think that image is sexualising children - Hugging a pillow with a picture of a character on, itself within a drawing is hardly provocative, and while Konata is supposed to be 17 the character designs of Lucky Star are so far from real human anatomy I'd be amazed if anyone could convincingly prove either that she looks 17 or "pre-pubescent" as CG claims. Er, Japanese women tend to be shorter and less curvy in real life anyway, don't they?

But even if it was an image sexualising children, I wouldn't care about that either because it's not real. There is a massive difference between "drawn or not" - It's going over old ground, I know, but as far as I'm concerned if no real person is actually being harmed, then we should let people look at / draw / write whatever they like.
If you think objecting to images of children that are clearly sexual is a anachronism from the 1890s, then I'll ask on what planet are you living? No society says that such imagery is acceptable, whether real or drawn, anatomically correct or not. If you are so morally bankrupt that you don't even see a problem with sexualising children then I'm pretty sure you're the one with moral problems, not I. You think rejecting as obscene and disturbing sexual depictions of minors is indicative of some kind of puritanism or moral pontification? Are you serious?

Just because you see these images all the time in anime and particularly in fan art does not make it ok. If you do get off on this stuff, then you probably need help of some kind because it is entirely unhealthy. I agree that people should be able to draw or look at whatever they want as long as no one is being harmed but it ought not be glorified and it doesn't belong on AUKN. It's really quite appalling how many people are being positive about such an image.