The General Conversation Area

I don't remember this being a problem... I mean...

He's hardly a sexy cyborg wizard class hacker from 12 years in the future
I do often times wish he had an "off" switch though...:rolleyes::p
I'm regretting now not doing the two-in-one Graphic Design Diploma when I had the chance - I only did the "Graphic" part of it and not the "software development" part of it...not enough £££ at the time :rolleyes:
I'm regretting now not doing the two-in-one Graphic Design Diploma when I had the chance - I only did the "Graphic" part of it and not the "software development" part of it...not enough £££ at the time :rolleyes:
correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that mean you could design maybe a few indie games by now? ah don't worry, we're fine with the cute characters on the contracts, it distracts the members signing up from more of the, ethical, ramifications of such a contract