The General Conversation Area

Damn, i'm officially jealous of Foxstripes tattoo he has in that topic, he has one for FMP =/ Tis very nice. Now if only i was ever willing to get a tattoo...
Tattoos have always been something that i've never been interested in. Don't know why but i just know that i wouldn't get one.

Although those designs do look good tach :)

*goes and listens to Linkin Parks New Divide song again for the billionth time*
Arbalest said:
Damn, i'm officially jealous of Foxstripes tattoo he has in that topic, he has one for FMP =/ Tis very nice. Now if only i was ever willing to get a tattoo...
Heh, I gave him that drawing :D
He turned it into a tattoo with his mate. Legend! :p
chaos said:
It's this sort of things that makes me curious =P

Curious of what chaos?

and thanks black :) its been decided that most of the lads are getting tattoo's. so being the one who's put it off for 3 years now i think i'd better get to it :) plus...i don't like needles so having my mates there won't make it so bad.....i mean we went on saw, the 4 of us....on the front of the ride....if it wasn't for them i probably wouldn't have done it.
I'm off too..... off to spend some time on a sunbed.

then a healthy walk lol.

see you lot tomorro.

*grabs bag and hoody, throws smoke bomb and disppears*
I'm planning to throw my laptop through a window at present. It keeps disconnecting me after 3 or so hours then i need to restart it to get back online. Its annoying as hell.
i wondered where you kept disappearing off to arby...I think i'll listen to this last song (Advent: One Winged Angel if anyone was interested) and then i'll head down for tea.

@Mono Cool you'll have the first season finished in no time flat :p