The General Conversation Area

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, it's symphonic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint electronic

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, it's symphonic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint electronic

Go! Use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
I got it, just stay close enough to get it
Don't slow! Drive it, clean it, Lysol, bleed it
Spend the last dough
(I got it)
In your pocko
(I got it)


....UMMM but yeh it is quiet... clearly im bored. dnt start work till 3 :s
Hopefully its just one of those days, i mean the chat was a bit busier last night then normal

@panda have you see the sketchs in my art thread yet?
doing more shading work, then i'll be working on a gundam article, but other then that its quiet...a little too quiet...

What's everyone watching these days?
@Black - Indeed I have, looking good as usual :) I particularly like the top one of the three. Are they original creations? And how's the fanart coming along?

@Skikes - so lucky not starting work till 3...and thanks for the song there :D

EDIT/ monring Voddas, how's things? Is your nephew doing well?
I hate it when it's a little too quiet... *looks over his shoulder in a suspiciouse manner*

Naywhy, not been watching alot recently. Been reading manga in my free time instead. I'm addicted to Berserk! I love it. Just fearing reaching uptodate with the releases Oo

Erm... anime I'm still watching Fruit Baskets. I plan to have the series done and dusted by next week however. ^^

gah! Off to lunch. be back shortly.
The sketches are all original creations :) i've done some new ones since then as well, the fanart is in the shading phase which is the most time consuming as i try my best not to mess it up :p

*relaxes in chair*

todays fast paced.....i have the PCT aswell as bedfordshire to see to today. dealing with the PCT was my one love in this office...until i ended up being moved to the bedfordshire sector and now run it......pct is the admin work....where i fill placements for people within the trust...its such a rush :D

busy as hell like....but getting there :thumb:

hows all?
@Black - okay, I hope the shading goes well!
As for what I'm watching, I watched episode eight of White Album and episode four of Tsukihime last night (still really enjoying Tsukihime!). I've got about five episodes of Bleach to catch up on so I hope to have time to watch those tonight :)
I've also been watching a J-drama series called Hana Yori Dango (based on a manga).
How about you?

@Tachi - Hiya, I'm not too bad thanks, really busy again today, but at least it's nearly the weekend :)
Hi tach :p glad to hear your still watching Tsukihime panda :) i'm still trying to get a hold of the 6th volume of the manga. At the moment i'm Blue Gender and Shikabane Hime: Aka, both streamed from Funi's website (at the moment i'm impressed with them as a company) plus i have the first Kara no Kyoukai movie to watch, and i'm going through GaoGaiGar again ^_^ to top it off i have the FMP: FUMOFFU collection coming to me anyday now
I have returned :D

Afternoon Tachi and Panda!

@Panda: Nephew is doing great. Saw him last night and he was all cute and floppy. He propper stairs at you. His eyes are quite dark at the moment so I keep having Krull flash backs. O_O

@Black: How much did you pay for the Fumuffo Boxset? I needs it for my collection.
Damn, got taken out by the end of page post attack!

Hi Mono! *pats head* Hows you? Oh, and thanks for the friend invite again on NEO. ^__^

@Black: £24!! I've seen it for £16 before. Was it just the standard boxset?
Hi mono :) hows things

@Voddas, actually acording to find, amazon have it at the cheapest and i'm too impatient to wait for another price mess up or drop :p