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Hi voddas :) hope things are well.

Looking through my video game console collection at the moment, ah the memories of the retro systems, and the days when people thought that the graphics on the NES were the best ever
That's because the they were the best ever. Then the Genesis Mega Drive hit the shelves. *screams with excitment*
Er.. yeah... sorry, I just love the old consoles. :p
not quite :p

Anyway...pic at the weekend...not right now :)

lunch time......*pulls out a leaflet with a picture of farm animals on it*

Hmm....what should i have for lunch?
It was the console for that generation at least. I loved the mega CD too but they just didn't do enough with it.

@Tachi: Lets see those love handles! :lol:
I was looking on ebay for one of them lol wanted to get an original Sonic CD as well to play on it, still Sega made a few bad mistakes during there days
They did make soem fatal mistakes. Thus their demise. Saturn wasn't all that and the Dreamcast just never took off (thanks to a certain sony console). They were jinxed ever since it was time for the new next gen consoles to be released. Was a shame but I don't hear any complaints about consoles at the moment...

...even though I'm PC Gamer myself like. ;)
footlong subway for the win

called the lads....were going for a 10 mile run/jog/walk after work.....should be healthy :)

lol don't know what you've got handles like a hairy bikers bike lol
Well the Saturn they released too soon and forced 3D onto it, it was always meant to be a 2D console, capable of releasing Arcade quality conversions (which it did, a lot of titles that were 2D were first rate, i mean look at the saturn releases of the capcom fighters, they were leagues above the playstation conversions). However 3D was taking over and the Saturn, bless its little soul could not keep up, so Sega worked on Dreamcast which would of solved their problems but Sony do know how to get people's attention.

Although some days i do wish Sony would fall flat on their faces, just for a laugh, but really the three party console wars do create perfect opportunities for gamers
lol yeah it's becoming a habit now....atleast its a half healthy habit lol. there's sweetcorn, lettuce, peppers and cucumber :)
thats more veg than meat.

10 miles is long enough :lol:

the SNES gave me years of much loved gaming. there was a game where you where a ninja....and you killed people with yoyo's lol which you could upgrade.

hours of random fun.
i might connect it upto my tv and see how epic games of old measure up to my fond memories :)
The Saturn was nice, from what i played of it, but yeah it was something just a little too early really, and it was a shame that the dreamcast fell through as well, but that was due to sony and nintendo really. I didn't mind a lot of the Saturn titles i played though, Sonic R does come to mind a fair bit.
afternoon arby :) hows work?

Sonic R was okay, wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be. For me the games that i remember for the saturn are: Guardian Heroes, a fantastic 2.5D side scrolling brawler with anime esque visuals. Such a great game and showed off the consoles 2D capabilities well. Then there was Panzer Dragoon and its sequels, all of them masterpieces, especially Saga, the Saturns answer to FF7 and in my humble opinion the better game. Virtual Cop 2 was also a blast provided you had a light gun :p

Also Nights into Dreams deserves a mention
Bleach is new to me, only just finished the first season... so.. it has 200+ episodes... thats like 10 seasons! Bloody hell! IS it worth getting in to proper? (like buying them)...
I agree 100% Black, all three consoles give a good choice and style for people to choose between. I have a Wii, but would have prefered one of the other tbh. Wii was aimed more for Sarah to join in. Wii is an awesome family console. Sarah's Dad plays it with his grandkids (not Sarah's kids lol) every time their round. You can't do that with ANY other console.

I struggled to get back into consoles after the SNES actually. I did get an N64 (and loved it) like. didn't have many games for it, but all the games I did buy were in the top sellers at the time (Golden Eye, WCW, Super Mario World/Cart, DOOM lol eg)

Gah!! Work has been picking up. Took me 20 mins to write this post. ¬_¬
found the game :D


Legend of the mystical was an excellent game :)

Anyone else remember this game?