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bye tach :p

*follows Voddas's lead and puts a huge kick me sign on Tachi's back, as well a label saying cursed by Oyashiro sama*

That should be worth a chuckle
@Black - But now it's cold and damp. That's not good at all. I didn't bring a jumper today either... :x

Never had the problem of home videos, I've never had a video camera in the family. I wouldn't mind one (a shiny new HD one) but I imagine I'd use it to try and make independent films rather than documenting real life happenings.
I know what you mean Ayase. We made home "movies" sometimes. heh. If I wasn't at work, I'd link you to some "movies" on youtube. lol

Sad but funny. lool
I'll take cold and damp any day of the week over stupid heatwave weather...Although i would really love for more snow...i need to move to a country further north then this place.

@Mono Cool have you finished the anime version of the Spirted Away by the Demon's arc (or known as Demoned Away in the subs i was watching)
My order of preference goes: Warm & Dry > Cold & Dry > Warm & Wet > Cold & Wet.

So for it to slide right down the scale doesn't leave me in a good mood.

I probably won't be on much for the rest of the day. Getting a delivery which will have to be priced and shelved by yours truly, so I'll see you guys later on. Enjoy the rest of Higurashi Mono! :)
BlackWolf said:
I'll take cold and damp any day of the week over stupid heatwave weather...Although i would really love for more snow...i need to move to a country further north then this place.

@Mono Cool have you finished the anime version of the Spirted Away by the Demon's arc (or known as Demoned Away in the subs i was watching)

i'd say come to blackpool but it's just as bad here

lets all move to arbys in Scotland
Later Ayase. Have fun stocking you shelves. :p

I think I'm going to crack on with the latest chapter of Claymore now. Won't take me long, I'm sure, Looking fwd to reading it though. XD
That's not a bad idea Ryo :p they are supposed to have nice winters and if you up far enough you can see the northen lights, something i've always wanted to see.

later Ayase have a fun time doing stock intake :p
ok guys please help me out here

is this ment to be the new naruto ending or is it some sort of advert for a new drink XD

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
*hides his collection of Oyashiro-Sama curses*

Wasn't me :p are you sure you just didn't lose your sense of direction and end up in a swimming pool?
Ahh... well knew that wouldn't take long. Just read Chapter 93 of Claymore! It's all kicking off at the moment. What's Rifl gonna do know? She's gonna get taken out by those feeders if she isn't careful!
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