Ah I get you dude. I don't think you're an idiot at all though ^^ As for the art, it's definitely just a case of taking the plunge. Just get doodling, anything, it doesn't matter what it is, and do it everyday. Even if it's just one drawing, it's better than nothing. The thing is, I'm actually being a hypocrite in delivering this advice: I SHOULD be drawing everyday, but even I've been procrastinating so much lately. Being jobless has just impacted my confidence, and I find it hard to motivate myself to do ANYTHING these days, but it is important to just keep the momentum going with art. Another thing is have a look at artists whose work you really admire; it's always good to have inspiration to hand.
I'm no teacher myself but if I were to see any of your drawings in time I'd be more than happy to give any opinions and thoughts as a guide

As soon as I can get a job I can get my digital art programmes back as well, which makes things a ton easier since I use Photoshop alot to edit my drawings once I scan them in. Don't lose sight of your webcomics though dude, keep at it!
Dude, are you implying that
@Neil.T looks like a Captain Birdseye fishfinger?