awesome! my qualifications - I've been watching fargo all day. I know how things go down...I like your thinking. You can join me on the abuse team. Just recruit someone and you can abuse them too!
awesome! my qualifications - I've been watching fargo all day. I know how things go down...I like your thinking. You can join me on the abuse team. Just recruit someone and you can abuse them too!
You’re hired! Now go get recruiting! We will rule the multiverse!awesome! my qualifications - I've been watching fargo all day. I know how things go down...
Alternatively, if you’re totally not suited to a job ie you tell customers to go f themselves you could wait to be fired.
I really think I'm going through this with my own job. I can't stand the guys I'm working for, I feel like I've been under-performing and I find it emotionally draining, like I have less energy after it then I used toWell that's it, even I've done it - if you don't like a job, find something else. It's not always easy mind you, but there's a point where you have to think about the impact it has on others, and you own well-being, It's why I had to quit my last job - I was frankly, useless!
I totally agree with you again. Some customers are dicks and just try it on because they know they can. I don’t blame anyone for having a go back there I just object when it’s unorovoked.When you work in retail, you have to learn to bite your tongue all too often. Obviously I don't believe in being abusive towards customers, but there have been times when I wish I'd have stood up for myself in a respectful manner. Too often I was talked down to like a piece of c**p, and the customer just feels like they can walk all over you because "they're always right". I've never believed that expression, and many people could actually learn to be more considerate to retail staff these days, staff who are just trying to do their job. So the item you want is not in stock, and the cashier doesn't know when it will be available? Well, that's tough, there's no reason to be hateful. Trust me, I've been on the receiving end of so much of this, and in the end, it just becomes water off a ducks back. I'm willing to go the extra mile for someone who is pleasant and kind, but the ones who treat me like garbage can go and do one.
Rant over XD
Being in that situation sucks. Could potentially be worth looking for something new. I guess you’d know your situation best. Sometimes it can be better to find new horizons but at the end of the day the grass is greenest where you water it.I really think I'm going through this with my own job. I can't stand the guys I'm working for, I feel like I've been under-performing and I find it emotionally draining, like I have less energy after it then I used to
I really think I'm going through this with my own job. I can't stand the guys I'm working for, I feel like I've been under-performing and I find it emotionally draining, like I have less energy after it then I used to
I totally agree with you again. Some customers are dicks and just try it on because they know they can. I don’t blame anyone for having a go back there I just object when it’s unorovoked.
In regards to the customers always right thing... it’s just BS. Most customers aren’t.
yea but I really should be learning new skills, to add to my princely sum of zero if I want to get out of it. I guess I'm just a bit shy of anything that involves workBeing in that situation sucks. Could potentially be worth looking for something new. I guess you’d know your situation best. Sometimes it can be better to find new horizons but at the end of the day the grass is greenest where you water it.
I bet you have some serious horror stories there. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s customers are evil.I'm sorry that you feel that way dudeWith my job, it was alot to do with my health; I had to really weigh up whether it was worth struggling on and under-performing, feeling miserable and down, it's just not worth it. I'd rather cut my losses. Sure I'd hoped to have found something else by now, and the jobs market sucks so much, but, it's the risk I took, I knew I wasn't guaranteed to find something straight away.
I don't really know what to say except just do what you think is right, think carefully about the situation and what would work out for you. As @Phobos , you know your situation best!
This is just it. I so regret not being able to say anything at the time, but when you're not confident, finding the right way to handle the situation becomes elusive. I know for a fact I was depressed for a good chunk of my 5 years I spent there, so some days really take it out of you, and you just want to not even interact with any customers!
Work is tiresome in my experience, regardless of what type of work it is.yea but I really should be learning new skills, to add to my princely sum of zero if I want to get out of it. I guess I'm just a bit shy of anything that involves work
yea but I really should be learning new skills, to add to my princely sum of zero if I want to get out of it. I guess I'm just a bit shy of anything that involves work
I bet you have some serious horror stories there. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s customers are evil.
Undoubtedly anemia can be really rough.It really was a struggle at the best of times, but towards the end of my tenure at Debenhams was also when I discovered I had pernicious anaemia, so no doubt that was also contributing to my overall low mood and inability to deal with lifes **** XD
Hey! Don’t make me tag you in everything again @Neil.THey, folks. Gonna be heading off to the cinema again, so I'd better get ready, I guess. The film finishes quite late, so I don't know if I'll be able to catch up with the thread tonight.
*turns to glare accusingly at Phobos*
Work is tiresome in my experience, regardless of what type of work it is.
Hey, folks. Gonna be heading off to the cinema again, so I'd better get ready, I guess. The film finishes quite late, so I don't know if I'll be able to catch up with the thread tonight.
*turns to glare accusingly at Phobos*
Ever considered going for anything as a temporary measure? If you’re willing to move for a job you want it could be worth using any old job as a stepping stone to save up for a move.It really can be tiring, especially when you feel drained, that you've gone as far as you've gone in a role, or you're just fed up of everything, it makes working so much harder. I really want a job right now; I feel like a loser if I'm honest because I'm just not having any luck whatsoever in finding anything, and the thing that worries me is, would I be able to cope? I question my own ability and sanity at the moment and wonder whether I actually would be able to hold down a job. I wonder if perhaps finding a part-time job is better fornow (thought it would still have to be 20 hours, no less, to make it worth my while), but...I've just had so much bad luck, I feel it's just not meant to work out for me!
Yes but today I can tag @Neil.T as well as @IncendiaryLemon its fun to antagonise!But...but...AGAIN? You did this YESTERDAY if I recall!
What are you going to see?
hhmm... not really. this is the only proper job I've had. I've mentioned before I want to develop creative skills, the only thing I can think of towards that though is 2 years media studies or "moving image production" didn't really make anything special, the tutor said he'd give everyone a positive reference for uni, but one line keeps me out of the course I wanted. 6 years a NEET, I don't know what to move onto as I don't know if I'd be good at anything else and well, I have my pride, I'd enjoy something I'm good atI know what you mean, but I'm sure you're not totally skill-less dudeI've got experience from having worked a bunch of different jobs, but even then, it can still be tough trying to find something. I would go to where the jobs are in the cities, but it's just not feasible right now. Also, it's understandable to be a little apprehensive regarding work, especially when venturing into something new - it's unknown, you're bound to be a bit unsure of things. Do you have any ideas of anything in particular you'd want to do?