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PE was shite for me because I used to be really overweight for my body type (like 16 stone at my heaviest) Since then I've managed to whittle my weight down to 10 stone 5ish and keep it there (PE still sucks though.)

I just wanted to be good at something but I never was! XD I even did sports day becasue no-one else in my class could be ar$ed!

That's never going to help anybody or pave the way to solving anything. :(

The OCD's much improved these days, though, yeah?

Oh it has thank you :) I am much more in control of it these days, but it affected me badly up until my early 20's. I nearly ended up quitting uni, but I stuck at it and graduated with first class honours.

My family are...well, they're nice people, but we just have an odd dynamic to be honest. I live at home, but we rarely interact. It's so hard to explain, but our relationship has just broken down over the years. I've become much more confident in myself, and grown as a person, and as such, my awareness on social matters has also grown and I've managed to overcome alot of internal predjudice, but I've done it all on my own! Parents are the ones who are supposed to guide us, in my opinion, but I've ended up drifting away from their kind of upbringing to become my own person, and it's totally different! Had I not made the choice to break free from their influence, I wouldn't be as open-minded, accepting, confident,'s been a tough journey, and whilst I'm not perfect, I'm better than I was!

It's just hard being stuck in this situation I can't really get out of right now, I literally have nothing - no money, no support network, just my jobless self trying to just get things in motion again I guess!

Anyway, I kind of digressed and went off on one there...all done! ^^ HAPPY PLAAAAAAACE!!!
I just wanted to be good at something but I never was! XD I even did sports day becasue no-one else in my class could be ar$ed!

Oh it has thank you :) I am much more in control of it these days, but it affected me badly up until my early 20's. I nearly ended up quitting uni, but I stuck at it and graduated with first class honours.

My family are...well, they're nice people, but we just have an odd dynamic to be honest. I live at home, but we rarely interact. It's so hard to explain, but our relationship has just broken down over the years. I've become much more confident in myself, and grown as a person, and as such, my awareness on social matters has also grown and I've managed to overcome alot of internal predjudice, but I've done it all on my own! Parents are the ones who are supposed to guide us, in my opinion, but I've ended up drifting away from their kind of upbringing to become my own person, and it's totally different! Had I not made the choice to break free from their influence, I wouldn't be as open-minded, accepting, confident,'s been a tough journey, and whilst I'm not perfect, I'm better than I was!

It's just hard being stuck in this situation I can't really get out of right now, I literally have nothing - no money, no support network, just my jobless self trying to just get things in motion again I guess!

Anyway, I kind of digressed and went off on one there...all done! ^^ HAPPY PLAAAAAAACE!!!
Happy place includes Phobos’ beard cult recruiting?
Yeah, the way he’s obsessed was just... too much. A bit initially I can handle but he’s just stuck on repeat with that.

I will just say though, that Paul did well to voice two different characters very distinctively. He's got serious talent as a VA!
Then my job is complete and I may leave this life satisfied with no regrets.

For as long as you live your one purpose must be to provide ME with entertainment! ^^ Including (but not limited to):

Inducing belly laughs
Whitty deadpan comments
Occasional Shinji references directed @Neil.T

So basically, just...what you're doing now! ^^
I feel like Ranma 1/2 needs a modern day update, though someone would probably get offended somehow.

It would be interesting to see older shows re-done with todays cultural and societal things in mind, purely to see what you could actually get away with...probably not much!