The General Conversation Area

Peggy Patch! OMG, it's all coming back now! I'm having to Google them, though, despite the fact that I Was There. Whoops. :oops:

Dude, feel the nostalgia! :) Do you remember The Animals of Farthing Wood? That was one of my favourite shows, along with Sooty and Co ^^
Funnily enough, I'm the same: great long-term memory, poor short-term. And a terrible memory for numbers. Can't deal with 'em!
Yep, that I do remember. I'd namecheck some others, but then I'd really be showing my age. :p

EDIT: Whoops. Wrong quote. I meant the one about Farthing Wood.
OK, not you, then. maybe Ayase, I don't remember, but someone has just a couple years on me. No biggie - if we still love anime, we can't be that old... :)

Love what you love, it doesn't matter about age :) it's only a number and there's no point in being miserable in life; you only get one chance and all that ^^

I mean we're grumpy cermudgeons but that's a GIVEN! ;)