~The avatar thread~

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And now I am the most useless pokemon of them all! Rank 19 better not be another ******* pokemon otherwise I will go postal! What have I done in life to deserve this.... lol
devilrules666 said:
And now I am the most useless pokemon of them all! Rank 19 better not be another ******* pokemon otherwise I will go postal! What have I done in life to deserve this.... lol
You don't graduate from Pokemons 'til your 700th post. :lol:

Much as I liked my previous UY avy, This one's a bit clearer and cleaner looking. I might colour it in at some point.
Sy said:
I changed my avatar but then changed it back. I think I'd miss Dido and the blue thing too much.
I always knew there had to be a reason for my seemingly irrational dislike of it. :p
ayase said:
Sy said:
I changed my avatar but then changed it back. I think I'd miss Dido and the blue thing too much.
I always knew there had to be a reason for my seemingly irrational dislike of it. :p
What the hell you got against Dido. That ain't a question by the way so answering will be met with the palm of my hand and the snapping of fingers.
No offense Simon, but your avatar is a bit on the naff side. As is your user title.

Mine, on the other hand, is great (of course). Who doesn't like the face of an angry, attractive looking female? :oops:
If blue hair, 2 dimensions and an expression like she's taking a spicy dump gets your groove thing going then sure.
Sy said:
If blue hair, 2 dimensions and an expression like she's taking a spicy dump gets your groove thing going then sure.

Blue Hair - Check (red is ideal, though)
2-D - Check (this is what anime/manga has done to my poor brain...)
Spicy **** face - No

My avatar isn't exactly the best example of a cute, angry face. It's just pretty good for a GIF that fits on these forums.

Now, tell me, why doesn't Dido look sexy smiling and why is she wearing that blue hat? Me no like. You're on an anime board... If you intend to use a real person, you could at least go with a Japanese VA.
No no no! You tell me why doesn't your girlie look sexy with a Madras dump expression. It looks like she shoved two giant Oreo centers in her mouth and she can't close it. Damn glutton.
devilrules666 said:
otaku san are you a girl by any chance? not there is anything wrong with being a girl! i get on well with both girls and guys!

He acts less like a girl than even I do! You can see his picture if you look through past posts ;)

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