I have made my first order on the Crunchyroll store destined for Stackry HQ. Thank you to all those that have provided helpful guides and tips on how to use the Crunchyroll store when ordering for Stackry (fingers crossed I have done it correctly).
From the CR store:
Beyblade SD Blu-ray
Beyblade V-Force SD Blu-ray
Beyblade G-Revolution SD Blu-ray
This was a pure nostalgia purchase and one I am glad I was able to make. As G-Revolution was out of stock and out of print, according to Discotek's website, I thought it wouldn't be worth getting just two thirds of the OG series. However, I checked the CR store this evening and it was there, so I took the plunge while I could.
Interestingly, I got a bigger discount when I checked out as a guest using the discount code "CRNEW", compared to checking out with my supposedly "MEGA FAN" account with 10% off.