The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Oh right no problem about A Quatum Murder. I've read the Commonwealth Saga and i loved it, really hated waiting for he second one. I also read fallen dragon which i thought was ok but no where near as good as the Commonwealth Saga. Might have to look into the Greg Mandel series too.

I've read iRobot but not the complete robot, i thought it was an alright little book, i do find it a bit strange to read old sci-fi like asimov beacuse of some of the ideas seem a bit odd now but thats to be expected i guess and i think they are still really good books.
Just recently bought Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 13(The Last Volume), and Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie Conqueror Of Shamballa.

Currently planing on buying The First Case Closed Movie, and the Last Dragonball Z Movie.
Just bought volume five of ghost in the shell: stand alone complex 2nd gig and what a cliff hanger. Atleast as good as the previous seasons volume five ending
I hate being broke at the moment, I can't afford any anime til payday at the end of the month, bloody mortgage payment wiped me out at the moment and I had my eye of series one of Full Metal Panic
My-Hime VOl 3 arrived in the post today (through caiman usa = cheap lol)
although was dissapointed as the dvd case had like a slash mark on it (thankfully not damaging the cover) and delivery was sooo loong.
also on the back it states that one of the extra's is textless opening, hoever the it was the textless closing. man i ahte errors on dvd, so damn annoying! and i feel pissed as the UK DVD version have 12 page booklets and stuff -_- boo hoo T_T
Back in from work and I've just spent my last bit of spare money for this week at Amazon. So hopefully come Wednesday I should be receiving a nice parcel containing:

Naruto vol 5, 6 & 7 :)

And to keep me entertained in the mornings (I work afternoons / evenings), also ordered:

Lets Learn Katakana
Lets Learn Hiragana
Lets Learn Kanji
(Anime) Azumanga Daioh vol 5 and FMP: Fumoffu vol 4 winging their way to me from

found that didnt have Azumanga in stock so went with Play...

just thinking about what series to move onto... Full Metal Alchemist seems interesting, and highly rated by alot of people... I started watching Escaflowne a while back and would really like to finish it... having liked Gundam Wing, certainly interested in Gundam Seed... also a little interested in My HiME, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, Lunar Legend Tsukihime, ROD TV and several more series... arghh, I dont know.... well, will make a decision in the near future... hehe ^_^
Mai-Hime vol 2 (R2)
Tactics vol 2 (R1)
Green Green vol 2 (R1)
Comic Party Thinpack Collection (R1) (lots of extras and a booklet for a cheap price).

also Battle Club vol 2 (manga).
Manga: Naruto vol 5, 6 & 7

They arrived about an hour befor going into work :). I took them all with me and have now read the lot. Next week I'll be mostly buying, Naruto vol 8, 9, 10... And waiting for the release of the next batch of Nagima :D
With it being payday today, it meant I had some spare money until I went into town & then on-line once back home :D

Scissor Sisters, Ta-Dah

Naruto: vol 8, 9, 10 & 11 from Amazon

Naruto: vol 12
Negima: vol 6 - 12

Cowboy Bebop: complete manga collection, once its in stock.
bought vol 8 of "no need for tenchi" and volume 11 of the d.n.angel manga

and re-bought the marsian successor nadeisco TV OST

it went missing and tbh i'd rather buy a new one than thake the effort of looking for the old :D
Picked up MVM's 'The Ultimate Goddess Collection' yesterday. Only watched the first volume so far but it comes across as Oh my Goddess light, compared to the Manga.

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