The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Got Chobits 2 and Samurai Champloo 1 from Ottakar' one of them free.

I've never really heard anything about Champloo, I just thought it looked cool. If it sucks...nevermind, it was free. If it was free!
Personally, I rather liked the first two discs of Samurai Champloo, but [IMO] the series took a nosedive in the third disc, which consisted of filler stuff + 1 recap ep. ( <--- minor spoilers, barely worth boxing but better safe than sorry ^_~). I haven't seen past that stuff, but I'm told it picks up after that. Just a heads-up for ya. ;)

Edit: Has anyone seen my brain? I think I left it on the counter. :oops:

thought I was posting in the viewing journal..sheesh :roll:
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Starflower2525 said:
I had two copies of GITS SAC 2nd Gig vol 3 and they both got lumps on them that causes the DVD to miss a Chapter and I am not sure of what to do about it.

Where'd you buy them? I got mine from and have asked about getting a replacement to see if that'll work.