Street Fighter IV!!!!!!!!

Lupus Inu said:
Capcom have let me down, four newcomers excluding the boss and the original twelve world warriors? IS THAT IT!? NO STREET FIGHTER III!? NO CAMMY!? Capcom, you suck.

Indeed the only thing that can save sf4 is if they realease upgrades such as sf4 2nd strike or somthing like that.
Kireek said:
Lupus Inu said:
Capcom have let me down, four newcomers excluding the boss and the original twelve world warriors? IS THAT IT!? NO STREET FIGHTER III!? NO CAMMY!? Capcom, you suck.

Indeed the only thing that can save sf4 is if they realease upgrades such as sf4 2nd strike or somthing like that.

...And the console exclusive characters that will debut once it hits the PS3 and 360, and if they do yearly versions then i'll wait till the final one gets releaesed to get it. SF3: 3rd impact was superb
I was going to make a new thread for this post but i twould seem pointless. anywho moving on.
the new trailer for SF4 has just been shown at E3...and this time it shows of some of the battle mechanics and some super moves....this trailer to me, just looked epic...i really cannot wait to play this game....
check out the trailer below which shows 4 mins and 44 seconds of pure gameplay awsomeness....

The Answer the Heart of Battle...
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Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
is it just me, or they are releasing the same game with a few new animated series???

what do you mean by 'with a few new animated series'?
is there an SF4 anime im not aware of ? :?

Yeah i'm confused as well the only SF anime i'm aware off is SF2 the animated movie (i would recommend that) SF 2 V the series (not seen that) SF Alpha (a slight recommendation) and SF Alpha 2 (avoid like the plague)

Though i did notice in the video some of the character pairings could of been taken from SF2 the animated movie with Chun Li/ Vega and E Honda/ Dalhasim
BlackWolf said:
Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
is it just me, or they are releasing the same game with a few new animated series???

what do you mean by 'with a few new animated series'?
is there an SF4 anime im not aware of ? :?

Yeah i'm confused as well the only SF anime i'm aware off is SF2 the animated movie (i would recommend that) SF 2 V the series (not seen that) SF Alpha (a slight recommendation) and SF Alpha 2 (avoid like the plague)

Though i did notice in the video some of the character pairings could of been taken from SF2 the animated movie with Chun Li/ Vega and E Honda/ Dalhasim
I guess I should go to bed.. :p I've meant scenes..

It does gives me a few vibes of the classic games, even the songs reminds me of the classic SF III...
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
is it just me, or they are releasing the same game with a few new animated series???

what do you mean by 'with a few new animated series'?
is there an SF4 anime im not aware of ? :?

Yeah i'm confused as well the only SF anime i'm aware off is SF2 the animated movie (i would recommend that) SF 2 V the series (not seen that) SF Alpha (a slight recommendation) and SF Alpha 2 (avoid like the plague)

Though i did notice in the video some of the character pairings could of been taken from SF2 the animated movie with Chun Li/ Vega and E Honda/ Dalhasim
I guess I should go to bed.. :p I've meant scenes..

It does gives me a few vibes of the classic games, even the songs reminds me of the classic SF III...

....i still dont get you mate......
as for the vibes...yeah, the way i see is, its SF2 but re-introduced to the new generation with the addition of characters, pretty graphics and the likes..but with new battle mechanics and stuff...., still i think this game will deliver..but not everyone seems to be happy about this game on the internets...
Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
is it just me, or they are releasing the same game with a few new animated series???

what do you mean by 'with a few new animated series'?
is there an SF4 anime im not aware of ? :?

Yeah i'm confused as well the only SF anime i'm aware off is SF2 the animated movie (i would recommend that) SF 2 V the series (not seen that) SF Alpha (a slight recommendation) and SF Alpha 2 (avoid like the plague)

Though i did notice in the video some of the character pairings could of been taken from SF2 the animated movie with Chun Li/ Vega and E Honda/ Dalhasim
I guess I should go to bed.. :p I've meant scenes..

It does gives me a few vibes of the classic games, even the songs reminds me of the classic SF III...

....i still dont get you mate......
as for the vibes...yeah, the way i see is, its SF2 but re-introduced to the new generation with the addition of characters, pretty graphics and the likes..but with new battle mechanics and stuff...., still i think this game will deliver..but not everyone seems to be happy about this game on the internets...

It's cutscenes what I was thinking of as Lupus enlightened me.... =)

Lupus Inu said:
There's animated cutscenes in SF:IV, not a new animated series. lol.
That's what I've meant ;D geez... I should really stop posting and go to sleep... =P
i understand now.
looks like my quoted message was put up just after 'Lupus Inu' corrected him......
For those wanting to see the animated cutscenes or what have you that will be in SF4, here is a trailer of it.
(for some reason i am hooked on linking embeded videos lol)

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Spyro201 said:
Im not gona pay to play it in an arcade. I want this game badly.

yeah but first it must come to arcades and then the home conversions follow...its following an old tradition that is rarely practised anymore outside of Time Crisis games and House of the Dead games