chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
Ninja Boy! said:
chaos said:
is it just me, or they are releasing the same game with a few new animated series???
what do you mean by 'with a few new animated series'?
is there an SF4 anime im not aware of ? :?
Yeah i'm confused as well the only SF anime i'm aware off is SF2 the animated movie (i would recommend that) SF 2 V the series (not seen that) SF Alpha (a slight recommendation) and SF Alpha 2 (avoid like the plague)
Though i did notice in the video some of the character pairings could of been taken from SF2 the animated movie with Chun Li/ Vega and E Honda/ Dalhasim
I guess I should go to bed..

I've meant scenes..
It does gives me a few vibes of the classic games, even the songs reminds me of the classic SF III...
....i still dont get you mate......
as for the vibes...yeah, the way i see is, its SF2 but re-introduced to the new generation with the addition of characters, pretty graphics and the likes..but with new battle mechanics and stuff...., still i think this game will deliver..but not everyone seems to be happy about this game on the internets...