Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

Pomtry races slugs in his back garden currently he has beaten them all but one day fears they will mate and produce a speedy slug that will out run him
McIcy said:
Pomtry races slugs in his back garden currently he has beaten them all but one day fears they will mate and produce a speedy slug that will out run him

McIcy was once arrested for beating up Goofy in Disneyland.
Pomtry lost a fight recently. He beat the other guy to an inch of his life, and then stopped.
He was waiting for the "Finish Him!" quote from Mortal Kombat, while the half-dead guy smacked him for a KO.
Chaz said:
Pomtry lost a fight recently. He beat the other guy to an inch of his life, and then stopped.
He was waiting for the "Finish Him!" quote from Mortal Kombat, while the half-dead guy smacked him for a KO.

Congratulations for making me laugh again :lol:

Chaz actually founded and maintained a chain of adult entertainment video stores before he got into anime. :twisted: