Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

Police have raided a house in Swindon, another in the case of people making themselves TOO BISHY. These are people who are too 'beautiful' to look upon and give traumatic experiences to the public.
One man was arrested, nicknamed McIcy, after investigators saw internet photos of him in his forum profiles.

He was later released, as officers took the brown paper bag off his head, and realised rather than being a danger, he was just another Otaku trying to get attention.
(Sorry, that was harsh... lol)
HARSH DUDE - but still a good one

Chaz started his own Daniel Beddingfield fan club he is still the head of the club..... but more disturbingly he is the only member
McIcy is discussing Beddo to try and paper over the fact that he's KEELED him for having facial fuzz inferior to Peter Mandleson's porno tache, which he's stolen.

Bagsy Beddo's pie collection.
Gallus Glee said:
McIcy is discussing Beddo to try and paper over the fact that he's KEELED him for having facial fuzz inferior to Peter Mandleson's porno tache, which he's stolen.

Bagsy Beddo's pie collection.

Gallus Glee re-enacts pornographic scenes with his Lego Men :lol: :D
Pomtry sits at home watching the skies as he knows the little men who abducted and probed him when he was drunk last year..... oh how he misses them
How did you know that :shock: Are you one of them.

McIcy lays down on his bed thinking of where he can get a radioactive spider to bite him so he can wear spandex and wiz through the air like spiderman