Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

Hyaku believes he's the new image of Britain. With his pink plastic watch and hair dyed blonde, he skates all the way through town in an white Elvis replica costume and a cloak with the Union Jack on.
Somehow he has managed not to get beaten up from bumping into a gang of large thugs. Mainly because they just couldn't face him with a serious look on themselves.
Chaz said:
Hyaku believes he's the new image of Britain. With his pink plastic watch and hair dyed blonde, he skates all the way through town in an white Elvis replica costume and a cloak with the Union Jack on.
Somehow he has managed not to get beaten up from bumping into a gang of large thugs. Mainly because they just couldn't face him with a serious look on themselves.

That couldn't be farther from the truth, LMAO. :lol:

Chaz likes to fondle cake.
Hyaku is... well... I can't think of a rumour for him as he does nothing worth talking about...
(Aha! That's a rumour of it's own kind! XD )
Chaz said:
McIcy is a cat,
He chews on rubber bats,
and when he walks out to the road,
He goes 'splat-splat'. :p

While reading that, a certain Simpsons quote just flew into my brain. :lol:

Chaz has a restraining order against William Shatner, Circa TREK KON 1995.
Hyaku was still trying to open the bottle of cola in town, and has been doing so for 30mins. He goes off to buy a saw to cut through the top...
A passer-by happens to pick it up from the side, and twists it open with ease.
Hyaku asks, "How the heck did you do that?"
The person replied, "You were twisting it the wrong way..."