SOPA Needs To Be Stopped

I think i'll revive this now the new year is past. We know that congress is due to meet up again to discuss this and some other bits have developed over the past few weeks in relation to SOPA.

GoDaddy, a web-hosting site which was used for sites such as ones made by the Destructoid team, and one which Ashton Kutcher used, was hit hard when they said they supported it. I believe up until now, despite changing their stance on it, they've lost somewhere in the region of about 100k paid users for them. So it's a sign that people are willing to boycott companies who do back it.

Not only that, but Nintendo of America and Sony have backed out as well. Sony may have been down to hacking threats a bit, but it's hard to say. Capcom are now known to back it, and Epic Games don't in it's current state.

I think the reason however, that i brought this back up. Was this: - Apparently. according to this, we could potentially see Amazon, Google, Wikipedia, Facebook and Twitter do a blackout of their services in what is potentially a strike movement against the act. Tis an interesting idea, one i expect a lot of the users will possibly rage at but, it will catch the attention of the media for sure.
If they do go ahead with the blackout I will respect them more for actually doing it. People need to be made aware of this and maybe the annoyance of the sites they use daily being offline in protest may get their attention.
JamesX said:
If they do go ahead with the blackout I will respect them more for actually doing it. People need to be made aware of this and maybe the annoyance of the sites they use daily being offline in protest may get their attention.

Agreed. If it raises awareness, it is worth it.
Mutsumi said:
JamesX said:
If they do go ahead with the blackout I will respect them more for actually doing it. People need to be made aware of this and maybe the annoyance of the sites they use daily being offline in protest may get their attention.

Agreed. If it raises awareness, it is worth it.

Yeah exactly. Considering up until now, no news report has covered SOPA at all anywhere, heck it hasn't even really been given a passing mention, nearly noone has heard of the act. If google, facebook and twitter where to suddenly shut down their services, they will have no choice but to announce it somewhere, and it will catch the attention of news companies and everyone. If they have to do it, then do it.
Arbalest said:
Mutsumi said:
JamesX said:
If they do go ahead with the blackout I will respect them more for actually doing it. People need to be made aware of this and maybe the annoyance of the sites they use daily being offline in protest may get their attention.

Agreed. If it raises awareness, it is worth it.

Yeah exactly. Considering up until now, no news report has covered SOPA at all anywhere, heck it hasn't even really been given a passing mention, nearly noone has heard of the act. If google, facebook and twitter where to suddenly shut down their services, they will have no choice but to announce it somewhere, and it will catch the attention of news companies and everyone. If they have to do it, then do it.

Provided it's not on a day where I need the internet for non-recreational means i.e. uni work, then I think they should do it, the big dogs need to make a fuss if they want to defend their territory.
Ryo Chan said:
cause i'm sure the Tories can vouch for how well the Digital Economy Act has worked lol

I think you'll find that the Digital Economy Act was brought in by Labour, just before Parliament closed for the 2010 General Election.
Otaku-san said:
big as they are, do they amount to the level of Hollywood and music industry's

Facebook and Google and Twitter do I think. What's more we feel THEIR presence every day if you're a user. Hollywood we only really see when we see a movie. those three definitely have greater influence, if not more "power."
MaxonTreik said:
Otaku-san said:
big as they are, do they amount to the level of Hollywood and music industry's
The MPAA and RIAA don't even contribute that much to America's economy.
Maybe if they actually changed their business model instead of ripping people off all the time they would be contributing more.
Hah, that was finally posted. Took us long enough to get it on here.

SOPA and PIPA are stopped now at least, but people seem to be worrying about this ACTA thing now. It's meant to be the new SOPA, which just seemed to appear out of nowhere about the same time the other two where stopped. I expect everyone will jump on this as fast as they did the other two.
Arbalest said:
Hah, that was finally posted. Took us long enough to get it on here.

SOPA and PIPA are stopped now at least, but people seem to be worrying about this ACTA thing now. It's meant to be the new SOPA, which just seemed to appear out of nowhere about the same time the other two where stopped. I expect everyone will jump on this as fast as they did the other two.

Hopefully so, i don't want me internet censored :evil:
daichi383 said:
Arbalest said:
Hah, that was finally posted. Took us long enough to get it on here.

SOPA and PIPA are stopped now at least, but people seem to be worrying about this ACTA thing now. It's meant to be the new SOPA, which just seemed to appear out of nowhere about the same time the other two where stopped. I expect everyone will jump on this as fast as they did the other two.

Hopefully so, i don't want me internet censored :evil:

never will happen theres way way way to many people that use the internet for that to happen and if it did happen there would be a big big uproar about it cause while everyones getting ready to protest it id of taken down 10 coppers down by the time they reached the protest site
Arbalest said:
Hah, that was finally posted. Took us long enough to get it on here.

SOPA and PIPA are stopped now at least, but people seem to be worrying about this ACTA thing now. It's meant to be the new SOPA, which just seemed to appear out of nowhere about the same time the other two where stopped. I expect everyone will jump on this as fast as they did the other two.

In many ways it's worse from what I've read since it will allow/encourage tracking of user activity by ISPs

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