So Monster Hunter Tri comes out tomorrow...

I mean really, its not actually needed, I just have to remember to use guard for more than just using healing items whilst having my weapon drawn :lol:
lol yeah :p

It was just an idea anyway. makes it easier to avoid losing health so much.

What d'you say we take down a peco next time?
Can do, I might be about between 6 and half seven again tonight, depends what mood the sprogs in (she eneded up going to bed early last night after a major strop).
RivaOni said:
Can do, I might be about between 6 and half seven again tonight, depends what mood the sprogs in (she eneded up going to bed early last night after a major strop).

You refer to your own child as a sprog? No wonder she had a 'major strop' :?
Whats wrong with sprog? I also call her Demon Spawn (if you saw her tantrums, you'd understand), its never in the manner of an insult or anything like that and she gets that (even at 6), the strop was because I said she couldn't have an ice pole, for 2 reasons i. she didn't eat all her tea and 2. its freezing.
Must've been my internet again, your right.

Biggest facepalm possible lastnight - i save my game... then spent 16000+ on buying the steel sword and shield and the bone... and spent that money upgrading them to find out if i had missed anything (any possible weapon trees that could be better)

Turns out i had, the steel sword got upgraded into an assasins blade. to which i thought "my armour and this sword probably won't be enough... but i'll try anyway" (the sword has a nice amount of green sharpness) so i took on the Royal Ludroth on my own......... and bloody killed it didn't i? i sat there thinking "great, now do i save my game but lose the kill. or keep the weapons i don't need and have wasted my money but have killed it?"

Ended up saving anyway. if i can do it once... i can do it again :)
(did pay off though, i can now upgrade both the assasins dagger + the ludroth sword)
I might be around for longer than previous nights tonight, I'm not cooking tonight and I'm not aware of anything being on TV that my lady wants to watch, plus she just bought about 8 new books from the charity shop...

So if anyone wants to help me with Qurupeco, Royal Ludroth or whatever lemme know :)
Sorry mate, can't help tonight (or any night until sunday evening) Staying with the gf at her uni this weekend.

I thought you and lupus took down the peco? I've changed my chest armour to the peco armour. managed to keep all the same skills too :) 60defence.

gunna have to have a look at where the goldfish are in the 1star guild quests. just have that one left and 1 & 2 star quests will all be finished.

one thing i want to say about this game is.... where's the yian garuga, the Yian kut-ku, monoblos, basarios or gravios :( even the additional monsters from MHU are missing. i'd have thought they'd have lumped em all into one game by now. (on a console, not taking into account for portable 3)
The Goldfish are in that big lake area off to one side.

Lupus and I did that stupid fecking "Monster Guts" quest, my fault, I selected it... I did do one of the Qurupeco quests the other night with some randoms though.

I'm still running around with the equipment post on the previous (or the one before that) page :(

Least you have time to sort out a decent router then ;) Get your ass to Maplins or something.
haha don't worry i'll sort it out, i'd use a wireless extender but i'm abit cautious incase it introduces lag. (maybe just get a better router and just deal with it lol)

Cheers, i'll scout it out on sunday evening.

Ideally you could do with farming the Peco (by farming, i mean killing or capturing it over an over again to get materials) one thing i will say is... capturing gives you more items than killing. and never walk off after completing a quest... i walked off and forgot to collect the rewards *facepalms*

I'm HR5, so hurry up ;)