State Alchemist
eople hating on Blade Runner:: :|
20thCenturyBoy said:the whole rooftop scene with Rutger Hauer was awful I thought
20thCenturyBoy said:rooftop scene
20thCenturyBoy said:Rutger Hauer
Words fail me, so I'll just keep this piece of lead pipe handy at all times should we ever meet. Roy's desperate and violent scramble for more life in fear of death, culminating in the realisation that what made life special was it's unique and finite nature and his ultimate peaceful acceptance of death is beautiful and moving, and I don't think anybody could have pulled that speech off in such a believable way as Rutger Hauer does in that scene. Seriously guys, if either of you were in a rock band or a committed relationship with me I'd immediately have to break things off over irreconcilable differences.20thCenturyBoy said:awful