Rate the Last Film You Watched

If I remember correctly it had budget of $400,000. The sequel had 10 times the money and Max gets some character development. It's the better film.
On a positive note my Mum enjoyed spotting actors from her Australian soaps.
Go Goose.
I intend to watch the rest of the movies, so it is going to be interesting to see where it came from and where it is going. I could definitely feel that shoe string budget but I wasn't aware that was the case so that has elevated my opinion of it somewhat.
Still on Mad Max, I was thinking that it is one of my favourite unveiling of the hero openings of all the films I've seen.
Maybe not original but hey.

A scene near the end meant I would have a nice chuckle at a scene at the end of Triage X where they did an homage/rip off. Delete as appropriate.
Hmm I am a few days late with these

Deadpool and Wolverine

If you have seen the other 2 Deadpool movies you know what to expect. I enjoyed it for being self aware.

Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3

A bittersweet ending to a pretty good trilogy I thought overall. These will be movies I will certainly be going back to from time to time.
Godzilla Minus One/Minus Colour
The Minus Colour version of Minus One is now on Netflix. G-1.0/C didn't get a UK cinema release, so this was my first chance to watch it. It's a testament to the lighting and cinematography that it works so well; most of the time it looks like it was shot with black and white in mind from the outset, thanks to the high-contrast shadows and deep blacks. The domestic scenes in particular take on a starker atmosphere without the warmth that came from the earthy colour pallette, while Godzilla is even more menacing in the inky black of the opening night attack.

It's an interesting way to experience the movie, but I think the colour version will remain my go-to for most viewings.
Mapplethorpe (2018)

Matt Smith does his best (under a distractingly bad wig) in the story of iconic New York subculture photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, but there is a definite feeling of the Microsoft Paperclip spotting that they were making a ‘tortured artist biopic’ and asking if they needed some help. As others have commented, the most surprising thing about the film is that they do include quite a number of Mapplethorpe’s sexually explicit photographs, albeit in a fleeting ‘did I just see that?’ manner.
Mars Express (2023)

Just watched this on Blu-ray released by gkids/shout factory and felt i should post in here as i imagine many of you, being anime fans of course, world like this French sci-fi animation. Starting out as a sort of sci-fi noir thriller, with the main characters being detectives investigating a murder/missing person case, it becomes much bigger. It's got so many fresh ideas while sticking to a relevant and believable ethical/moral scenario about robot freedoms.

The animation and visuals took a little while to get used to, but the sci-fi plot, the characters and performances (i watched in English) were great and allowed me to move past any issues very quickly.

Trailer below for any interested

Come and See (1985)

A poor teenage farmer in Belarus joins the partisans fighting the nazis in 1943, in this famously haunting anti-war drama from the USSR. Even knowing some of the more famous images from the film beforehand, I still found this tough viewing, with seemingly any respite poor Flor manages to grasp amid the atrocities happening around him, snatched away almost immediately, leading up to the horrific village raid that dominates the second half. Not for the feint hearted, but an astonishing work of performance and cinematography, if you’re prepared for it