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31 Days of Halloween 2024! Day II: eXistenZ (1999, David Cronenberg)

Halloween wouldn’t be complete without at least one David Cronenberg film making the list, and eXistenZ is one I’ve been meaning to check out for a while now. This film sees Cronenberg melding his body-horror auteurist approach with the subject matter of video games being ported right into the body.

There’s something fascinating about the premise and seeing the ending come together (whilst explaining the random accents and slightly off-kilter performances - or does it?), and despite not being one Cronenberg’s strongest efforts this was still worth the watch. 3.5/5
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Day 2


First time checking out a Hitchcock film. As a movie this was pretty damn good actually. It's a product of it's time but not really in a negative way. Everything it does, other movies have since done 100 times over by now, but what it does is still very well executed. Which is definitely more than I can say for other famous "firsts" I have checked out (Night of the Living Dead comes to mind).

The characters behaved in a believable manner, the actors all did their job very well. There wasn't any mystery to the movie, no asking who is behind the hockey mask as we all know who the killer is. So we are just watching the characters figure out what the audience already knows, but that's fine as well in it's own way. Honestly I'm finding it difficult to talk about without going into spoilers, this is a movie that once shocked audiences but by modern standards it's inoffensive at worst, and that's a pretty strange to consider by itself.

Score: Pulling back the shower curtain / 10