Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

REC - 7/10

Comprising just ten half-length episodes, REC is a charming little romantic comedy about the relationship between Aka, a young voice actress, and Matsumaru, an average salaryman who works in advertising. Through some contrivances they end up living together in Matsumaru's apartment, and get very close on the first night they meet.

But the course of love never runs smooth, and the rest of the series concerns itself with portraying the difficulties the two have in working out their feelings for one another, then how they deal with problems that arise from Aka's blossoming career and Matsumaru's discontent over the direction of his own. And, seeing as this is an anime romcom, there's some drama over Matsumaru's tendency to be a dumbass and pushover.

The short runtime is a mixed blessing. Issues are worked through quickly, perhaps too quickly in some cases, but nothing is dragged out and the show ends in a satisfying manner. The story does continue in the manga, but given some of the comments about it I'm not sure I'm up for reading it.
Eden of the east-9.5

Where do I start with this one. Its got nearly everything I love in anime, brilliant chracters that you will end up really caring about, a ton of mystery and intrigue, great script(love the movie refernces), great artwork, oh and no fan service. Top knotch all round.

It may not be the most action packed anime you have ever seen, but this one is all about the story unfolding, the mystery and the characters.

It's just such a refreshing anime.

Unlike many anime this really feels rooted in the real world, and even the little thing like the way Takizawa references films we all know and love, and the little things the characters do that just seem so believeable. This really helps suck you in an care about all the unfolding drama and characters a lot more than the usual anime.

It won't disappoint throughout keeping you rivited and the ending is great too. I also like the way the series doesn't force feed you many things are clearly left for the viewer to figure out or interpret(until the movies anyway). The only thing though, this will leave you wanting more.

My new No.2 anime series of all time(bebop still holds the crown for now)

Also to anyone who has already watched it I'd love to get your opinions on:

Don't read if you have not watched!

Why where all those neets who invaded Takiawas mall at the end naked? and why did the come out of nowhere all of a sudden?

Also I'm assuming those white crearures Takizawa saw at the crash site where just his imagination, representing how he felt about the neets and how they abandoned him. would you agree?
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Finally got around to this after collecting my thoughts.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

I'll be honest. As excited as I was going into this movie, I had a nagging feeling somewhere in my brain that Endless Eight had tainted the series. Thankfully, that feeling was gone within minutes. I knew that this movie was gold very quickly.

I honestly can't fault it. It was clear where the budget went during the production of season 2 because everything was so great. The animation was exquisite and the music was pleasant to my ears. Not to mention we got to see and hear all this non-stop for 3 hours. It was a treat for the senses. As for the story, I loved the Back To The Future II plot. The whole alternate universe and timeline plot devices were really fun and a bit of a mindf*ck. It boggles the mind just how many people from whichever times are existing in the same timeline on a particular day.

It had a great mix of comedy and drama. Everyone, including me, was in stitches at some parts and at others our eyes were glued to the screen. This was helped by the top notch acting/characters I come to expect from this series. The stark contrast in Yuki's personalities was interesting to see but Kyon stole the show as usual, especially early on in the movie when he begins to break down from confusion.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was far beyond my expectations. I can't ask for better.


I'd also like to take this opportunity to curse Arby for teasing me on the way home about knowing what happens later in the novels and why certain things happened in the movie.


I'm already too familiar with the mecha genre, and it's something that has been done before, not once or twice, but a countless number of times. I'm not ripping it off for its lack of originality, but rather, I don't think it exceeded in either music, characters, story, or even fanservice compared to previous shows (or after), with similar themes. Still, it's not a bad show, it just wasn't genre breaking as some claimed it to be.

Panty and Stocking


I'm aware i'm not the target audience, but who the hell is? It tries to be similar to an adult swim show, but it isn't funny at all. The whole time I was just shaking my head in shame.
Reaper gI said:
ilmaestro said:
BreadandButter said:
I'm aware i'm not the target audience, but who the hell is?
Japanese people?
Show is purposfuly meant to troll otaku.
Interviews to back this up?

It's clearly not designed to appeal to the same people as Shukufuku no Campanella (sold approximately zero copies), Ookami-san (sold approximately zero copies), Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu (sold approximately zero copies), or Shiki (sales numbers weirdly slow, it seems, but safe to assume it sold approximately zero copies), but I think it's pretty dangerous to assume that shows don't get made with Japanese people as the theoretical target audience just because it ends up that otaku don't show so much interest.
Yes, I have enjoyed all three, although I would only say that Shiki was truly excellent, and have bought DenYuuDen and Shiki myself (Ookami had too much competition, although I really really wanted the cover art), but none have sold anything other than horribly.
Tekkonkinkreet - An absoloute feast for the eyes, I loved every second of this. I especially enjoyed the side story involving the yakuza. The ending was rather bizarre but great nonetheless. [9]

Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]
Kaede said:
Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]
Jargon is element of the genre, you're watching a cyberpunk series and you dislike technobabble. :roll:
She's dressed like that in the manga.
Reaper gI said:
Kaede said:
Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]
Jargon is element of the genre, you're watching a cyberpunk series and you dislike technobabble. :roll:
She's dressed like that in the manga.

Just because I don't like the technobabble in this series, doesn't mean I can't enjoy meself some science fiction.

Doesn't make it any less pathetic.
Kaede said:
Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]

Assuming that you rate the Oshii version quite highly, I'm surprised you haven't taken more to the tv series.

Admittedly, I haven't seen the film in a good number of years, but I remember it being quite talky (perhaps more in terms of philosophical musing than technological speculation) and if anything, I would have said the tv series was easier to follow than the film.

I wouldn't particularly defend the Major's swimsuit, but hey - in the film, as I recall, she gets naked in literally her first scene...
Kaede said:
Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]

This is why when you bought it I warned you to keep an eye on which episodes are "Stand Alone" and which are "Laughing Man".

Basically, all the Laughing Man episodes pull the main plot together (and if watched without the Stand Alone episodes would probably make perfect sense) while the Stand Alone episodes are there to add to the plot, characters, etc.

Trust me, by the end of the series everything will make perfect sense, and upon rewatching everything will make even more sense. Stick with it for a while more- you get more Laughing Man episodes in the latter half of the series iirc.

Also, Motoko wears a nice outfit for fanservice reasons <3 Second GiG she has a trenchcoat etc. on, so that may be more to your liking. The Second GiG is far easier to follow I find too, but, that may be because I'd watched First GiG only weeks before I started the Second.

Just, stick with it man.
Time to catch up on some reviews...

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea –6/10

I always look forward to watching the latest Studio Ghibli film and Ponyo was no exception, but I came away quite disappointed this time.

The problem was that I found Ponyo to be too generic and formulaic and dare I say too simple! Most of Miyazaki’s classics have great depth and substance to the story and certain magic to them, with Ponyo the whole thing just ran by the numbers with a huge and unsubtle helping of Miyazaki’s eco crusade babble thrown in. It didn’t really absorb me the same was that Laputa or Kik’s delivery Service did. The same applies to a large extent to the characters with the exception of Sousuke who I thought was a great representation of a typical five year old otherwise they were rather bland and one dimensional.

One thing I wasn’t disappointed with was the animation which I thought it looked fantastic, especially on Blu-ray, with an unbelievable amount of detail, clarity and movement in the animation and it was wonderfully colourful and visually the film leapt out from the screen.

I certainly enjoyed watching Ponyo, on its own it was an easy and entertaining film that wasn’t too long, but compared to his back catalogue this certainly isn’t one of Miyazaki’s finest moments.
Godot said:
Kaede said:
Stand Alone Complex (Eps. 1-6) - Still undecided on this one. It's clear it's not a patch on the Oshii movie though. It's ugly to look at, the storylines are confusing and explained away with nonsense technobabble and I'm left wondering why the major runs around in a swimsuit most episodes. [5]

This is why when you bought it I warned you to keep an eye on which episodes are "Stand Alone" and which are "Laughing Man".

Basically, all the Laughing Man episodes pull the main plot together (and if watched without the Stand Alone episodes would probably make perfect sense) while the Stand Alone episodes are there to add to the plot, characters, etc.

Trust me, by the end of the series everything will make perfect sense, and upon rewatching everything will make even more sense. Stick with it for a while more- you get more Laughing Man episodes in the latter half of the series iirc.

Also, Motoko wears a nice outfit for fanservice reasons <3 Second GiG she has a trenchcoat etc. on, so that may be more to your liking. The Second GiG is far easier to follow I find too, but, that may be because I'd watched First GiG only weeks before I started the Second.

Just, stick with it man.

I am not sure if they released them over here but I have the R1 releases for Laughing Man and Individual Eleven. They make pretty good watching if you only want the main storyline of each without the extra character building episodes and the such.