The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I'm continuing the march on the KyoAni shows, there are some that I like more than others (Hyouka, Clannad, VE, Kobayashi, Amaburi) and some I don't like enough to watch them (Lucky Star, Nichijou) but KyoAni do some consistently good work, and I think I often like their shows even if not 100% of the time.
I watched the 2009 version in chronological order, and yes I even watched the

8 episodes. Honestly I was expecting things to change in each episode, but nope, minor changes only to events and small details. These episodes felt like a bit of a cop-out, and could have been shortened to about 3 episodes to the same effect..
I felt at times that Haruhi herself was not my favourite character. I wouldn't want to be her friend, seeing how she treats them, taking them for granted at times, and abusing them at others, all in the name of her self-centred amusement. I'd say the main show was kind of middle of the road 6.5/10 maybe.
But the thing that really took me by surprise was
just how good the finale film was,
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. This film was genuinely amazing despite being 2hr 40m long, and made watching the kind of mediocre main series worth it. I don't think you could watch the film in isolation without seeing the series and get the same impact to events.
The film portrays a less obnoxious Haruhi and highlights some of her actual good qualities. It also seems to kick the art up a notch, showing how we go from the KyoAni of old to the more modern works of art like Hyouka, Hibike, and Violet Evergarden.
If anyone has seen the show but not the film I'd definitely recommend re-visiting the film.
Main series: 6.5/10
Finale film: 9/10