Wow, yeah. I couldn't agree more with that.
That was a really excellent post, dude; very in-depth. I read it over a few times to absorb it properly. It was interesting to hear that you actually got
Eva on TV!

Out of curiosity, what was your take on the TV ending versus
And yeah, Evageeks is a pretty useful resource, especially the encyclopedia section. I dipped into that quite a lot during the simulwatch here last summer.
(Apologies for my slow reply to your post, btw.)
Small correction to my post, when I talked about episode 1's production values, I was including the full fight, which happens chronologically during episode 1, but we only get to watch in episode 2, actually, sorry!
I've been watching a lot of stuff lately but I didn't really feel like doing write-ups. In the case of Eva, however, it actually felt good to write all of that. As for the depth, it could be much better but it's not my style, I suppose
Yeah, during the kids slot, too! Shocking, but I'm thankful.
End of TV vs End of Eva... Quite easy, I think it's interesting to see how instrumentality is perceived from the characters' point of view but the movie is the real ending, where every character reaches the conclusion to their arcs. I'm not sure if the movie was always in the plans or if it came after the success of the TV series, but it's for sure the actual ending of the series. Ah, what a delight. I actually feel like rewatching the series, but I should really get to working in my backlog...
Anywho, how about you? What do you think about Eva? Feel free to copy paste a previous post of yours if you've already posted your thoughts on it. I never got the feeling you're a mecha kind of guy, so it should be an interesting read!
Also, got around to watching the Rebuild movies. Got some loose thoughts on them, but mostly superficial stuff. I'm happy they made them more about Shinji. I'm not sure the animation is as good as the series in its peak (surely not EoE). I feel like it's building up to another triumphant return for Shinji, seeing as how everything feels more related to him. I'm mostly curious about how Anno will end all of this.
I definitely prefer the series.