Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Yuki Yuna Is A Hero - 8.5/10

I was close to giving this a 9, but I think the final episode is a bit of a cop out. - That said, the second to last episode is one of the most riveting, visually impressive pieces of TV anime I've seen in quite some time. I think it's too easy to make Madoka references/comparisons with this show - in my eyes, it's such a different kettle of fish. Friendship is absolutely at the heart of everything this show does, and ironically, I'd say Yuna herself becomes something of a minor character in places - especially by mid-show, the Inobozaki sisters' plot becomes far more interesting, as is Karin.

But yeah - an incredible show that deserves to be seen and applauded. There's some flab around the middle, and the aforementioned final episode, but when it's on the money in the early stages and final third, it's incredible.
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Professor Irony said:
Not expecting great things from it, but I've been quite curious to see that - especially since one of the design blogs I follow served me this a couple of months ago:


Obviously not official art, but I thought it was quite nifty. Artist looks to be a fan of Frank Frazetta, I'd say.

Go in with your expectations as low as possible, coz it's old and it looks it but I found it entertaining. I tend to find when I watch 80's/90's anime late on a night I seem to enjoy it a lot more. It's probably because of the Channel 4 early hours anime showings in the 90's, it's like my brain hasn't forget this and nostalgia kicks in :D

Love that picture by the way?
Garden of sinners movie 8

This was more about talking about what shiki is more then anything and even tho I wanted more action out of it which I didn't.....the animation with the snow and colours looks sooooooo gorgeous and the philosophical talk between the two charecters at first was boring but with that animation it makes it look deep and sounds deep.

It was only 30 mins long and it didn't really give us a ending ending like In movie 7........

But it's good all the same


Garden of sinners as a whole

black1blade said:
animefreak17 said:
black1blade said:
I knew you would like it XD

You a fan of the series
Hell yes, along with the rest of the type moon stuff (fate ect)

To be honest there's something about the type moon stuff that seems so so so........there's a word for it......but most of there work are really fantastic.

I'm a fan of fate zero.

But I thought stay knight was.......well after looking back it doesn't hold up to fate zero but fate zero did come out later and improved the story.......thank God theres no high school and that kid in stay night was annoying.

Takihemi felt rushed

I think I only seen 4 of. There work

Garden of sinners which is fantastic
Fate zero which I'm a hugh fan of.
Stay night......I thought was ok but it doesn't hold a candle to zero.
Tsukihemi .....Again wasn't the best of there work but it was ok ......not the best or good but was ok.....could of been better tho.

I'm looking forward to the new fate night tho.

I have got to watch garden of sinners again.

If you want we can do a simual watch with it........yeah thats what we should do...it as a mind F*** thing so I'm sure others would like to watch it.
You are basing that on the anime version though. Tsukihime and fate stay night are both visual novels and they are both great on the same level as fate zero or maybe GOS. Was that an offer for the GOS? I think I am going to re-watch with my friend in a couple of weeks.
black1blade said:
You are basing that on the anime version though. Tsukihime and fate stay night are both visual novels and they are both great on the same level as fate zero or maybe GOS. Was that an offer for the GOS? I think I am going to re-watch with my friend in a couple of weeks.

I'm not basing I'm just saying zero did a much much much much much better job then what stay night did.

You might be right about tsukihime tho.

GOS is great.......let's see if we can get a bunch on here to watch it with us
Have you read fate/stay night visual novel? I would take all 3 routes over zero any day. It make shirou a bit more bearable and even likeable. I understand that mindset anime only though. By the way, reading tsukihime here: http://lparchive.org/Tsukihime/. Find the ost on youtube to play over the scenes and it is great.
black1blade said:
Have you read fate/stay night visual novel? I would take all 3 routes over zero any day. It make shirou a bit more bearable and even likeable. I understand that mindset anime only though. By the way, reading tsukihime here: http://lparchive.org/Tsukihime/. Find the ost on youtube to play over the scenes and it is great.

I hit a nerv didn't I.......Ok ok ok I'm sorry.

The anime fate zero is great but stay night anime was just ok.......but if we're talking about the novels.....which I haven't seen then il take your word for it ok.
animefreak17 said:
black1blade said:
Have you read fate/stay night visual novel? I would take all 3 routes over zero any day. It make shirou a bit more bearable and even likeable. I understand that mindset anime only though. By the way, reading tsukihime here: http://lparchive.org/Tsukihime/. Find the ost on youtube to play over the scenes and it is great.

I hit a nerv didn't I.......Ok ok ok I'm sorry.

The anime fate zero is great but stay night anime was just ok.......but if we're talking about the novels.....which I haven't seen then il take your word for it ok.
Yeah sorry, just slightly. The upcoming 2nd season of UBW will be really good though I promise you that. :mrgreen:
Patema Inverted 8/10

Very nice film. Loved some of the camera angle changes. Great relationship between the 2 main characters. Enjoyed it.

Really like the back cover on the Blu-Ray too. Nice work Anime Ltd.
black1blade said:
animefreak17 said:
black1blade said:
Have you read fate/stay night visual novel? I would take all 3 routes over zero any day. It make shirou a bit more bearable and even likeable. I understand that mindset anime only though. By the way, reading tsukihime here: http://lparchive.org/Tsukihime/. Find the ost on youtube to play over the scenes and it is great.

I hit a nerv didn't I.......Ok ok ok I'm sorry.

The anime fate zero is great but stay night anime was just ok.......but if we're talking about the novels.....which I haven't seen then il take your word for it ok.
Yeah sorry, just slightly. The upcoming 2nd season of UBW will be really good though I promise you that. :mrgreen:

Remind me what UBW means