bakum4tsu said:
"the guy who's always complaining about uk releases quality."
I only really complain about DVDs and Kaze with their ****** Blurays

They're very hit and miss when it comes to their releases, Tiger & Bunny is probably their least problematic release yet, and even then it's missing OP/ED/Insert song subs, and like every other release the disc/subs are locked down. Bloody annoying when they continually offer inferior products.
ilmaestro said:
I still think Egoist doing theme songs for other anime is one of the more awesome concepts in some time.
That's what I quite liked, and how they still use Inori's image for their artwork. I do love Chelly's voice too.
Joshawott said:
With the SAO singles, I cheaped out and bought them digitally from iTunes.
I only realised lately that all this stuff is becoming available on digital distribution services. I'm still not buying digital though, I don't like the idea of having nothing to show I own it.
Plus if you're quick enough to get first press copies from CD Japan they sometimes throw in free stuff, for example I got a free poster with the Namae No Nai Kaibutsu and All Alone With You singles, Crossing Field has an SAO poster with Kirito and Asuna on it if you take the inside cover out. It's also nice when you open the CD cases and find that they come with other random bits and pieces.
I do regret not buying Yume no Sekai though for completionist's sake.