Pics, everyone

My sister is 16 <_<

And we still haven't gotten a picture of you, Aion! You must obscenely hideous if you're the only regular who hasn't posted a picture ...
Otaku-san said:
Your in luck Aion, just pull out one of your one liners and you're practically in her pants!
If his is the sort of sweet-talking upon which she dotes, I have a fair deal to learn of the unwritten rules of courtship.
why don't we post funny pics instead


/ice breaker
i hate having my photo taken so this is awful and i don't normaly post photos of me online but some one on another fourm asked me to so decided to post it on here

im the one in the front with the white top on -hate the photo but only up todate one i have- was taken on my b-day this yr
CG, why do you have something against otaku's comment? It's a compliment. Just like it'd be a compliment if I told you I'd saved every picture you've posted in this thread (and cut the part with your sister out for my collection).