Pics, everyone

I only saw you with the one like a ninja, u kinda remind me of David form Cori

Anyhow lets try and keep this thread alive

Heres a pic of me with my "AXE!"
Otaku-San, you are teh win xD

EDIT: Just found this on my old photobucket account, I took it when I was about 14 o.o


Green light! o:
Voddas said:
I'm only jealouse Otaku-san :wink:

Yeaaa!!! its as the Great Yonkovic said "Were Young..Dumb, and Uuuugly!!!!"

Oh and thanks to the other guys for the compliments

I think that they way for a better relationship with people, is by making them laugh or smile
HAH, poser :wink:

Your Niece i so cute Skikes. My Best friends son is being christened in two weeks and I'm gonna be a God Father. Respect the family. ^^
Voddas said:
HAH, poser :wink:

Your Niece i so cute Skikes. My Best friends son is being christened in two weeks and I'm gonna be a God Father. Respect the family. ^^

haha aww thanks she's my wee angel XD

she was christened last month and i was god father, was so proud haha!

hope ya have a good day... i was BLOCKED lol