Pics, everyone

Me in Cyprus last week

Dressed for my sisters wedding

Free beer, cards and a cowboy hat - I rock

I love my hat (warning topless shot)
Nope beer was from a bottle so not watered down, i am not addicted to Keo Beer and am off to the wholesalers to track some down later. Plastic glasses are because that was taken on the beach at 1am hence the surrounding darkness (hotel only used glass of the inside bars not the beach ones)
Major said:
Me looking pale as per usual. With my weird nose.

Me and my shotgun.

(Click for bigger pics.)

i seriously want a ******* gun!

a big one!

the biggest!

a great big shot gun!

to shoot things with!

and be all... IIIIII SHOT THE SHERIFF.... AND I ******* SHOT THE DEPUTY BITCH! then people would respect my authoritah!

im jealous
Here's a couple of recent pictures. I was growing my hair long for a while, hoping I could find a style to put it into but it just got progressively less manageable so I cut it shorter again. :?