Physical Copy Vs. Digital

I remember Smyths! I never went in there much but interesting to hear they are still going :)
I go there every few weeks to get my WWE and Pokemon figures (and have a look at the games while I'm there!) 😄

HMV have started selling games in stores again (at my closest one anyway) but they've only got a really small section and the prices are about what you'd expect from them. It's something though, I suppose!
Don't know about the rest, but Sainsburys dropped theirs because they bought Argos and put one of them in most of their stores.

That's true. I remember Tesco had a big thing when they announced no more physical games in stores. Remember getting some good deals when they were clearing stuff out.
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I’m not sure that’s the big issue a lot of people are making it out to be. In this age who actually records things now when it’s almost always available on-demand or some other way? I haven’t used a recordable format since tapes and DVDs 😅
I only really used recordable DVD/CD's for backup or making audio CD's. Mostly because a 4.7gb disk was a pretty reasonable option to backup files back in the XP days

I can't really see any home use for recordable Bluray. Archiving can be done by external hard drives for far cheaper (Both mechanical and solid state). No reason to make media disks anymore as its just easier using any other method to move media

So I really can't think of any use case for recordable bluray disks
This is likely a tactic to tackle movie piracy, if they get rid of consumer grade writable BDs then pirates won't be able to make and sell their own anymore.
Although there's bound to be some factories in China that will still be able to make them.
Even if Sony want their equipment back, I'm sure it will mysteriously disappear.
I only really used recordable DVD/CD's for backup or making audio CD's. Mostly because a 4.7gb disk was a pretty reasonable option to backup files back in the XP days

I can't really see any home use for recordable Bluray. Archiving can be done by external hard drives for far cheaper (Both mechanical and solid state). No reason to make media disks anymore as its just easier using any other method to move media

So I really can't think of any use case for recordable bluray disks
I found another a alternative for series you really want to save-usb3 flash drives. I can get 128 gb ones for $10 each and 256 gb for $17 each.