Having found a local sale on Manga in Waterstones, I broke the bank and bought all 15 volumes of Negima! over the course of a couple of weeks. It is quite good fun in all. Some extremely gratuitous fanservice, most I can take though a few of the earlier volumes almost had me chucking the books out the window. Other than that things are lighthearted, but funny and with a slowly emerging background story which is intreaguing. Definately the martial arts thing went on FAR too long, (not to mention the whole damn festival) but it is good enough for me to like it, and besides, the characters make it, and the double act of Negi and Asuna always steals the show.
Pretty good for my first Manga series, though I hoped that to be the much missed Nausicaa. Ah well, it will do for now (though the long wait between volumes is going to suck)