MyAnimeList/Anime-Planet/Kitsu/AniList Discussion Thread

Suddenly noticed this, so here is mine!

I have to update it again soon, but i am on there often enough so feel free to send me a friend request. Though when you do, just say who you are alongside the request(if it's not obvious) just to save me running about checking ;p.

I've not got AnimePlanet though, have considered it a couple of times, but may get round to it eventually.
Got a MAL account but there's not much point as I don't keep it up to date. Every time I go through adding stuff I give up because it is so tedious.
Might as well throw mine into the mix:
Different profile name but it is mine. My memory is pretty useless so I find MAL handy (I use the blog to keep track of my dvd preorders). It's also good for looking up OVAs and such after finishing a series. Never heard of AP though...

FourthLion said:
Just as an aside, y'know those annoying double underlined words that come up with adverts in tooltips when you mouseover them on MAL? Well, I work in the tech team that works on those ad units :lol:
I think I may have signed up to MAL to see exactly what it was like, but I have a running collection of docs and spreadsheets that are far more easily manipulated for record-keeping that I continue to use instead of any dedicated website.

Lawrence said:
This kind of map?
MrLaserSharkKH said:
...or Maybe something more like this?!
lolled at both of these.
Not seen MAL before this. I use AP.

Might sign up for MAL later and have a look at it. Can't see it being better than AP for me but we'll see.

I find being able to log anime watched really handy. I have an awful memory and if i'm watching a currently airing series...then do something else for a few weeks...when i'm trying to catch up I usually have forgotten what episode i'm up to!
I find it useful to be honest

Iv only been a member for 2 days and I'm glad I did there are many adaptions and sequels I never knew existed

Putting all of what iv seen is hard iv been though nearly 60% of my collection already ( not including ones iv got but haven't watched yet ) I'm hoping of putting another 10% tomorrow on MAL.

Iv added of what I want to watch which is sequels, adaptions, prequels, and I think I'm on 150 of plan to watch, which Is the sequels prequels tv adaptions ect from shows iv already seen.

Who knew MAL was so useful
Only have 34 series that iv watched to put in on my list when you guys have time have alot with in a hour or two and I should be finished putting all the anime I have on DVD,

The plan to see are anime that are with series iv already seen.

I have a back log but I don't want to put it in the plan to watch sec so I'l put in what iv watched after I watch it
animefreak17 said:
Only have 34 series that iv watched to put in on my list when you guys have time have alot with in a hour or two and I should be finished putting all the anime I have on DVD,

The plan to see are anime that are with series iv already seen.

I have a back log but I don't want to put it in the plan to watch sec so I'l put in what iv watched after I watch it
This will probably be helpful - as it displays sequels, side stories etc from what I recall for anything you've watched.
reborn said:
animefreak17 said:
Only have 34 series that iv watched to put in on my list when you guys have time have alot with in a hour or two and I should be finished putting all the anime I have on DVD,

The plan to see are anime that are with series iv already seen.

I have a back log but I don't want to put it in the plan to watch sec so I'l put in what iv watched after I watch it
This will probably be helpful - as it displays sequels, side stories etc from what I recall for anything you've watched.

thanks ^_^


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