UK Anime Distributor MVM Entertainment Discussion Thread

Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

Dan said:
They need to sort the chapters on their releases out. Watching Psycho Pass and having to fast forward the intro everytime. Not a massive deal but it's very annoying.

Reason for that is, it's a Manga UK release not a MVM release which as Emulsion said means they authored the discs themselves and all of Manga UK's latest discs authored by them have messed up chapters.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

black1blade said:
But the psycho pass openings are good :/

Tbh I very rarely like openings. Liked Bebop and DBZ Kai, other than that I'm struggling to think of any.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

I always watch the openings and endings. Always. Religiously. Nobody does an intro like the Japanese.

And these days, if you skip the start or ending of an episode, you may well miss something important. Psycho Pass keeps you on your toes like that.

I absolutely LOVE that show, by the way.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

In regards to Psycho Pass, you could always sell the UK release and buy the US release. At least then you can skip the opening and closings without missing anything.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

HdE said:
And these days, if you skip the start or ending of an episode, you may well miss something important. Psycho Pass keeps you on your toes like that.

I absolutely LOVE that show, by the way.

The ending credits usually start before the episode ends, the actually ending credits with song comes on after. Are u saying there may be something after the credits, at the very end? Checked a few eps and nothing so far?

Oh and I'm loving it too, it's shows like this that keep me watching anime.

Emulsion said:
In regards to Psycho Pass, you could always sell the UK release and buy the US release. At least then you can skip the opening and closings without missing anything.

It's not that bigger deal tbh, it's a minor annoyance. It's just you expect it these days as standard. No idea why Manga don't do it on their authored discs. Maybe it's cheaper not to. Anyway I always like to stick to UK releases where possible as I find if you can't shift it on to the anime fandom at least CEX/Music a Magpie will take it :D not that I think I'll be getting rid of this.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

There are some sometimes and they also do this thing where they play footage under the song. Just watch all of it (it is scary when you add up all the time watching openings and endings though)
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

black1blade said:
There are some sometimes and they also do this thing where they play footage under the song. Just watch all of it (it is scary when you add up all the time watching openings and endings though)

Spotted a couple of things last night after the credits. One of them was quite important too. I'll make sure I check them all now, cheers
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

The problem comes when you realise that in the average show, if you watch all the openings and ending you end up watching about an hour more.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

black1blade said:
The problem comes when you realise that in the average show, if you watch all the openings and ending you end up watching about an hour more.

This - It's easily 90 seconds for an opening or close, so 3 mins + per episode. I used to religiously watch them not ever skipping but after all this time I just largely want to get onto the next episode. There are some exceptions, and I'll always watch new openings/ends but otherwise I need to save a little time somewhere.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

I never skip the opening or endings to an episode, ever. I understand the idea that it can amount to a lot of time all in all but to me its integral to the whole viewing experience. Take Boogiepop Phantom for example, I find myself dancing along to the opening and each time the episode would end, to be greeted by the super catchy ending theme is rewarding. The music is so cool but I tend to not listen to the soundtrack (OP and ED included) until I finish the show so when I start an episode and end one I'm met with a reward of such. "You finished the episode, so let's listen to this awesome track for 30 seconds while we contemplate just what occurred in the episode." It helps that 9 times out of 10 the op and ed are awesome music wise, and some even have really nice unique visuals. To me a show like Aku no hana, the opening and ending are no doubt a part of the viewing experience. It's pretty awe inspiring the first time you're hit by it. Pretty surreal stuff.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

I'll usually skip on most occasions, unless I really, really love the OP theme. I have recently taken up watching the 'next episode' previews, which I used to always skip, as sometimes the dialogue over them is properly hilarious (and often has nothing to do with the episode itself).
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

Got thinking the other day and I really want carnival phantasm with English subs. It was recently made into a budget Japanese release (only 8000 yen o_O) so I thought that maybe that would open the possibility of licensing.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

The problem with skipping openings and endings is that some shows feature extra scenes after or even during them. Obviously, if a scene is playing during the credits you'll probably just make an exception, but if it's placed afterwards, you'd risk missing them if the disc doesn't have good chapter markers.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

I wonder if MVM will bother picking up those two recent Ikki Tousen OVAs or decide its not worth the hassle just for two titles.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

Joshawott said:
The problem with skipping openings and endings is that some shows feature extra scenes after or even during them. Obviously, if a scene is playing during the credits you'll probably just make an exception, but if it's placed afterwards, you'd risk missing them if the disc doesn't have good chapter markers.
The answer is to never skip openings and ending ever. Don't see the point on skipping them especially if you have paid for it.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

black1blade said:
Joshawott said:
The problem with skipping openings and endings is that some shows feature extra scenes after or even during them. Obviously, if a scene is playing during the credits you'll probably just make an exception, but if it's placed afterwards, you'd risk missing them if the disc doesn't have good chapter markers.
The answer is to never skip openings and ending ever. Don't see the point on skipping them especially if you have paid for it.

IF you don't like them why would you waste your precious time watching them. Maybe you have plenty of time and if you like watching them fair enough but I don't have time to watch something I don't like, plus it can be the difference between squeezing another episode in or not.
Re: [UK Anime Distributor] MVM Entertainment Discussion Thre

I personally only ever skip the openings and endings that I'm not all that fond of, which luckily usually isn't that often anyway :)

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