Girls with Guns
Kiddy Grade got a Blu in Germany I think
Did Shangri-La get a Blu?
If Last Exile ever got a Blu I'd be over it like a rash.
Ideally they'd be Gonzo titles that have BDs released in the US, and I don't know off hand if titles lik Speedgrapher, Black Cat, Gantz and Desert Punk have been.
I own the Japanese Blu-ray Box for Last Exile, it does include the English dub but no subtitles, although it is just an upscale and looks very similar in quality to the DVD.

I do have the Funimation Basilisk Blu-ray release, but would definitely double-dip on an AL CE. And I would love to pick up Shangri-La, Speedgrapher, or Gantz on Blu-ray someday, as I have all the US DVD box sets for those as well.
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