UK Anime Distributor MVM Entertainment Discussion Thread

black1blade said:
It'll probably be cheaper over here though. Also those copies really should be for the aussies...

5 months for the same release and ill pay £20 more for 5 months less and I have the JP version this is only to own the dub and that poster
I missed "Musume" out of Monster Musume when reading the title and nearly rapped myself with excitement :(

Ah well, GATE sounds good and Fate UBW should do well!
black1blade said:
That's the only worry that it will have massive MVM logos on it like kara no kyoukai.

There is a reason why it's called an art case/box and not company promotion box :D

Go post this, with paint terribly edited picture, to MVM's twitter page #OCard #CleanArtBoxes xD
We should start listing them as 'company promotion boxes' from now on until something changes (MVM aren't the only ones deserving of this).

I didn't really like UBW so I didn't import it, but I might pick MVM's release for the sake of completing the collection. Actually Gate and MonMusu are similar for me. So it's down to how desirable they can make the packages look to make me forget the lack of enthusiasm I felt for the streams :D

A solid bunch of acquisitions, anyway.

I was going to get the Australian version but seeing how MVM are doing the exact same set I'll wait for theirs(and just Marathon it on crunchyroll for the time being)What this does mean though is that the money can now go towards the release of my favourite mecha series :D .
I hate to rain on your parade, but inferring from what Andrew Partirdge has said on the Anime Limited thread, I think they set the product months in advance, well before it's announced. So it's probably too late to do anything.