Geriatric hedgehog
Death Scythe
I had the same luxury so definitely helped appreciate it better by not forgetting the winding and non-chronological telling of the story in between seasons. A few similar examples in my case: first is re:zero now, which I will definitely have to watch all over again in the end to pick up all the things forgotten and missed; second is attack on Titan which I stopped bothering to watch after the first season, until just now with the final season starting and appreciate it much more as a result.I think I've been really lucky as I only started watching it recently, so I had like 100 episodes to watch (some longer like Kizu films, some shorter like the Koyomi ones).
It was a bit daunting at first having so many, but I realised after I watched them all that it was so good not having to wait for new arc releases as I went along! I can safely say I'd watch more Monogatari if they made more with the same quality.