Most Overrated/Underrated Animes?


(C&P thread from MAL)

It's always interesting to read peoples views on this topic, so yeah - the thread has a place on even dead forums.

Here are some of my posts on the subject:

#1 said:
The most recent, most over-rated anime? Eden. It started decently - in rom-com style - and then slowly started to make less and less sense, until it got to a point where an episode seemed to be missing and the dialogue in one of the episodes episode was more confusing than anything. I failed to see what's supposed to be special about it, and I dropped it.

It seems like all the MAL fantards pick one anime to jump on and score 10/10 every so often, and this time around it was Eden that got the 10-10-10-10-10-10-10 treatment.

Looking further back into the past, TTGL is easily the most over-rated anime known to man.


"It changed my life; it made me into more of a man. After watching the series, I believed I could do anything!" - TTGL tard #1

"Before watching, I'd never had the guts to ask a girl out. After watching, I did. I now have a son, and I called him Kamina the Second." TTGL tard #2

"It's quite simply the best anime out there, better than even Naruto." - TTGL tard #3

"I liked it - it was a fairly enjoyable ride - but it was simplistic and had one of the worst endings ever. The amount of retards who give it 10/10 cause me a lot of mental pain." - God

#2 said:
...oh, and for me, the Maison Ikkoku anime isn't under-rated. It's vastly inferior to the manga, ruined by filler ******* up the pacing of an already slow series.

In terms of under-rated series, I've recently watched Phoenix and Niea 7, typing up reviews of both. Phoenix has an average of 7.40, with 200 people with it on their lists - I rated it 8.5/10. Niea 7 has an average of 7.20/10, with something like 1200 people having it on their lists - I rated it 8.5/10. They're both unloved gems.

#3 said:
Anyway, Code Geass R2. It pains me that a trainwreck is rated higher than the first series, which is worthy of a 10/10 score. I don't get the logic behind that. I can only assume that most people on the planet are dumbfucks

#4 said:
If you wanted to pick at my post, you should've aimed for my #1 manga choice. My third 'quote' is an easy target.

I see no shame in rating Death Note 10/10. It's the best anime adaptation I've ever seen, Madhouse caring about the source material and trying to fix the many problems the second half of the story as best they could. They focused on the best part of the story, sped through or skipped the worst parts, used various animation techniques to make certain parts more exciting and, in my opinion, Death Note has the best soundtrack in existence. There's also the small matter of my favourite JP voice acting performance being included in Death Note.

I started watching Death Note at random just after it started airing. The read-up sounded very interesting and as soon as I started it I loved it. The gloomy depiction of our real world - not some random fantasy setting - and the inclusion of some supernatural elements that blended in well did it for me right from the get-go. What I'm trying to say is that it wasn't the hype that made me start it; it was the story. And the efforts of Madhouse made me love it.

I'm not someone who gives many 10/10 scores. I think I've only given nine animes 10/10, and I'm yet to give a manga top marks. I have excellent taste and I'm a harsh judge, taking into consideration all of the flaws - not just giving top marks for enjoyment alone. In short, if I give something a high rating, it's because it deserves a high rating.

Most TTGL fans, on the other hand, are stupid and let their emotions rather than their heads guide them. That's why most people don't respect it or its fans. It's a simple series aimed at simple people. Good for watching every one in awhile but lacking the depth that makes LotGH a worthy #1 anime contender.

#5 said:
Just had a look through my list to see if my ratings match-up with the average ratings.

Now and Then, Here and There: With a rating of under 8/10 on MAL and me having given it 10/10, NaTHaT is one of the most under-rated in my book. I view it as the best 13 episode series in existence - it had no filler slowong it down, told a tragic story without holding back and got more emotion out of me than most.

ADV are re-releasing the series on DVD soon. Get it.

Macross Zero: Macross Zero is, and probably always will be, in the shadow of the other Macross OVA series - Macross Plus. Zero is newer and looks unlikely to ever get released outside of Japan because of Macross/Robotech issues, which is a damn shame.

I went into it randomly after watching Plus, not expecting too much. But I ended up seeing a beautiful series - in terms of both visuals and story - and I rank it higher than Plus. Seeing it rated around the same as NatHaT displeases me.

Noein: Has an average of 8/10. I rate it 9.5/10. It has the best blend of sci-fi and slice of life I've seen to date, so I don't think 8/10 reflects the quality of the series. Even after rewatching it, I still think highly of it.

Manga give the series away in a full-size box set. I imported it for something like £15-£17. While it was a great buy for me, something is wrong with them selling such an excellent series for less than the cheapo Funimation sets.

FFVII Last Order: I find it baffling that Last Order is rated less (7.63) than the steaming pile of turd known as Advent Children. Last Order was animated by Madhouse, covers the best part of the games story, moves at a very fast pace because of it only lasting 20 minutes, made me love Zack... yet it's nowhere near as highly rated as the CG cash-in!? That ain't right.

Koi Kaze: "An incest story that's executed very well, with no hentai content? Gotta rate that low, like. I prefer my series with T&A and as brainless as possible." - An average MAL person.

Berserk: TTGL gets 9/10, while an animated adaptation of the best part of the #1 ranked manga gets a score of 8.2/10. That makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

Naruto: A score of 7.6/10 doesn't reflect the quality of the best part of the manga, which was covered between episodes 1-135. I can understand the awful fillers resulting in its low rating, but it still pains me think that there are idiots out there who rate Shippuuden - one of the worst adaptations I've seen - higher than the first series.

Rumiko Takahashi Anthology Like Phoenix and Niea 7, this series is both under-rated and under-watched. Most of the short stories are entertaining and amusing - it's a very charming little series. I rated it 9/10 at one point, before deciding 8/10 is more fair... It doesn't derserve a rating much lower than 8/10, in my opinion.
I would say Death Note. But it's hard not to be overrated when the series is so popular, I guess.
It's not a bad show or anything, it's just not as good as everyone says it is.

I think there's also an argument for GiTS: SAC being overrated.
Although I'm enjoying 2nd Gig a lot more. Still too much technobabble though.
...please don't hurt me.

And Advent Children is a mess but so many people realise it's a mess I wouldn't say it's overrated.
I put a vote in for Death Note being over-rated certainly, it took me a long while to gather the will to even finish the last few volumes of the manga and i started getting the anime and just got bored quickly.

Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny, for a while i thought everyone was on the same page with these shows, till i had a look around and saw people calling them the best of the franchise, they aren't...they really, really aren't.

iisan said:
I think there's also an argument for GiTS: SAC being overrated.
Although I'm enjoying 2nd Gig a lot more. Still too much technobabble though.
...please don't hurt me.

I'm caught in the middle of this one as i really do like GiTS (movies and series) but for some people the talking parts can scare them away.

Can't think of any underrated shows at the moment, so i'll have to look at my collection when i get back home to see if i can refresh my memory
I laughed at that TTGL tard that coudent ask a girl out lol

Overrated anime:

Cowboy Bebop. Its sooooooo boring! Every episode is like:

Spike: "Hey Jet, I heard about this bounty called Martin The Div. Im gonna try and catch him to get some money."

Jet: "You sure? i heard hes dangerous"

Spike: "Dont worry. I can handle him"

Jet: "Ok. be careful now"

5 min later

Jet: "Did you catch him?"

Spike: "Nope. got away"

Jet: "Oh well. Better luck next time"

Spike: "yeah. Whats for dinner?"

Jet: "Mushrooms"

Spike: "Awsome"

End of episode

Most of the episodes were like that! its not intense or excieting, Its BORING!!!!

Underrated anime:

Heat Guy J

This is what you call an anime! Everything about it is great. The story, The characters, The action, The animation, EVERYTHING!!!
sanji no 1 said:
I laughed at that TTGL tard that coudent ask a girl out lol

Overrated anime:

Cowboy Bebop. Its sooooooo boring! Every episode is like:

Spike: "Hey Jet, I heard about this bounty called Martin The Div. Im gonna try and catch him to get some money."

Jet: "You sure? i heard hes dangerous"

Spike: "Dont worry. I can handle him"

Jet: "Ok. be careful now"

5 min later

Jet: "Did you catch him?"

Spike: "Nope. got away"

Jet: "Oh well. Better luck next time"

Spike: "yeah. Whats for dinner?"

Jet: "Mushrooms"

Spike: "Awsome"

End of episode

Most of the episodes were like that! its not intense or excieting, Its BORING!!!!

Underrated anime:

Heat Guy J

This is what you call an anime! Everything about it is great. The story, The characters, The action, The animation, EVERYTHING!!!

The TTGL thing was a joke

And for the rest um are you joking?
It seem like a massive troll

Heat guy J was awful
just awful

The animation and effects looked cheap

The Character were incredibly lame and generic with the POSSIBLE exception of J
I Just didn't care what happened to them at all
I could go into more detail why it sucked but I don't really want to waste my time


Heat guy J is sort of like Bebop for the poor man with no taste

Plus nothing like what you said ever happened at all

And uh what's MAL?
Holycrap, 10/10 for Death Note and you're bashing TTGL kids? Wow man.

Aion said:
>Code Geass
Lol, OK.

But I still agree with you on Eden. Also I recently watched Kino's Journey (Kino no Tabi if you're from MAL. ^o^) and I gave it a 10/10, no one even talks about it.
I love Bebop, it's my #1 anime, but I can see what you're saying.
Although personally I enjoyed every episode so, it didn't bug me that the formula was often quite similar.
This thread is going to end well...

Eh, I'm not too fond of the terms "overrated" and underrated". It's not for me to say whether someone else's opinion is wrong or right.

There are, however, anime that I feel are underappreciated. Kino's Journey, Giant Robo, and Fantastic Children are examples of shows that, I think, are dismissed by younger fans in particular because their character design and art direction is somewhat unusual. Not radically, but enough to put people off. And that's a shame. There's also a crapload of good 80s shows, such as Patlabor, Gundam, and Urusei Yatsura, that fans refuse to watch because they look "old".

Also, not enough people have watched Hyper Police! It's no masterpiece but it's a lot of fun.
I saw the trailer for fantastic children the other day and I really wanted it
I thought it looked really nice reminded me of a ghibli movie
I would get if I could find a decent price
unellmay said:
I saw the trailer for fantastic children the other day and I really wanted it
I thought it looked really nice reminded me of a ghibli movie
I would get if I could find a decent price

Get the boxset, it is worth it. Fantastic Children seems to be very underrated. Must be the character designs or something, which personally I don't care about.
fabricatedlunatic said:
There are, however, anime that I feel are underappreciated. Kino's Journey, Giant Robo, and Fantastic Children are examples of shows that, I think, are dismissed by younger fans in particular because their character design and art direction is somewhat unusual. Not radically, but enough to put people off. And that's a shame. There's also a crapload of good 80s shows, such as Patlabor, Gundam, and Urusei Yatsura, that fans refuse to watch because they look "old".

Liking something based on looks happens to me more often than not, but I hardly ever get put off something because it didn't look pretty enough. Taking things into context, I believe there is a natural evolution to the technologies that makes anime / films look better or not. BUT, there is still no technology that can make a story better.

I Loved Fantastic Children and Kino's Journey and I'm going to watch Tetsujin 28 next week. I'll let you know if I like it or not.

What puts me off UY is its enourmous lenght. 50 DVDs series are not for me, although I love takahashi so much that I'm always reconsidering it.
Overrated? Well, Cowboy Beb... ::ducks bullet:: ...op and Zeta Gun... ::dodges beam sabre:: ...dam. Not to say that either is bad - I stick by the 8/10 scores I gave on MAL, but they are constantly hyped up to be much better than they actually are. Bebop is stylish and original, but it's episodic nature and actually, fairly scant character development does prevent it from being one of the greats IMO. The film is really the only part of the franchise I'd call exceptional.

Before I watched Zeta I'd heard it described as "Dark" "Depressing" and "The best Gundam series ever". It managed to fail to live up to these descriptions pretty hard. Like Bebop it's by no means bad - but it was nowhere near the level of storytelling I was expecting. The lazy side-plots which repeat throughout it's length and hard to like protagonist are my main criticisms of Zeta, which leads me to my underrated anime, Gundam Double Zeta.

I'll keep repeating my unpopular opinion that not only is it good, it's better than Zeta. Sure, no cool Quattro / Char. The antagonists are underdeveloped or comedy sidekicks and some of the plots aren't as good, but in a 50 ep series I'd rather watch even an original Moon-Moon story over another bloody "We have captured [name] / [name] has been captured, we have to rescue them / shoddily allow them to escape" or an "Introduce love interest, reveal as enemy / have them defect. Make them fight. MENTAL ANGUISH!" episode. Despite it's flaws the other major thing which makes me rate ZZ higher is that I liked the protagonist. Kamille is just so all over the place in his decision making and emotions half the time I wanted to Bright Slap him. By contrast, Judea seems together despite his misgivings and fights because he has a reason (kidnap plot lasting longer than one episode). My belief that Judea > Kamille may be colouring my judgement of both series somewhat, but a series has to have a main character who is either likeable, interesting or both. Kamille isn't a terrible character, but he is a very frustrating one.

@Fabio - I'd agree with the older anime series' you mentioned but I'd say they're more forgotten or overlooked than underrated. Those who do see them tend to rate them highly.
ayase said:
@Fabio - I'd agree with the older anime series' you mentioned but I'd say they're more forgotten or overlooked than underrated. Those who do see them tend to rate them highly.
You're right. I was talking about underappreciated series rather than underrated.

@chaos: It's a reasonable position. Anime is, after all, a visual medium and therefore a show's art and design is important. I just think it's a pity that some viewers won't ever watch, say, Giant Robo because of its retro design (especially since it's so well animated).
Glad to see I'm not the only one who rates NieA_7 highly (@ Aion). I rate it it more than Haibane for the simple fact I'm more of a comedy man than a drama man.

I agree with Fabricated Lunatic/Ayase when they say older anime is usually overlooked by current fans. There are obviously some exceptions, such as myself. I'd like to see how many kids my age have watched Mospeada and Southern cross, Probably no more than a handful. A major reason for this is due to the lack of dedication. I hope I'm right in saying most fans these days are occasional fans and are not engaged in the fandom to the extent of those brought up in the VHS-era. Modern shows (and) shows in general are more easily available so fans have no reason to develop a back-log as they're more interested in keeping up to date with the latest shows.

Sorry for going slightly off-topic and I hope y'all can make some clarity out of what I was trying to get at.