Student Council President
Can't say i'm a huge Gundam fan either but i daeesay i'll end up giving it a try
No doubt, glad its getting released, never said otherwise, and I'll keep an eye on the set. The series itself is not something I really care about in the slightest. Still a big deal for it to be released on BD, or at least it should be but reading comments above I guess the truth is people may turn up their nose due to the old animation which is obviously a shame. You shouldn't really have to feel weary about a release of a show like Gundam on BD one would think, in practice it should be a sure fire hit. It's a classic finally on BD, maybe I live in a fantasy landSunlightHeart said:Can't say i'm a huge Gundam fan either but i daeesay i'll end up giving it a try
qaiz said:Contrary to popular belief, mecha exist outside of Gundam lol and I'm a massive fan of the genre. Macross, Big O, Giant Gorg, Tetsujin 28-gou, Giant Robo, Ideon, VOTOMS etc etcHdE said:Quoted back because I have no words.Never cared for Gundam at all.
Yeah, I mean the way I see it is, I can respect a series for its history and its effect on the popularity on the genre, and respect I do have for Gundam in that regard. Macross was a direct response to Gundam and Gundam brought mecha into the mainstream in a big way in the west especially and is generally a way for people to get introduced to the genre and then venture off to discover other classics, but at the same time I'm not going to like it due to that alone, The series itself has always been massively weak outside of things like the mech design (of the older series, the new over designed stuff is bleh to me) and the sound-effects and such. Don't care for the writing, characters or stories themselves from the series, and most of them are just plain bad like Victory and Star Dust with fan favorites like the hot blooded G Gundam not being my cup of tea ether ( I hated Gurren Lagann too, so that type of series is not for me). In the end, I'm certainly not going to like Gundam as a series just because its the biggest, but I can and do recognize its importance, plus I've always been one to root for the underdogs and less known and the mecha series is so vast that there's plenty to see and do and explore as a viewer and as a creator outside of Evangelion!HdE said:I just have difficulty processing somebody describing themselves as 'a massive fan of the genre' and then saying 'but teh biggest mecha show in history? Nah.'
qaiz said:... The series itself has always been massively weak outside of things like the mech design (of the older series, the new over designed stuff is bleh to me) and the sound-effects and such. Don't care for the writing, characters or stories themselves from the series, and most of them are just plain bad like Victory and Star Dust with fan favorites like the hot blooded G Gundam not being my cup of tea ether ...
HdE said:See, I'd disagree pretty strongly on those counts. Gundam has its fair share of weak points as well as highlights, sure, but Victory and Stardust Memory are bad? Nooooooo. Not 'avin' it, son. Yer avin' a larf!
Great picks, I'd say I agree, all three have directed my favorite works of all time from the WMT series to Patlabor, GITS, Joe etc. Amazing people.LtDiscotek said:No prob, I'm a big Dezaki guy. He's my favourite anime director, along with Mamoru Oshii and Isao Takahata.
NormanicGrav said:OTAKON: FUNIMATION
New stuff:
Black Lagoon Collector's Edition
- The First Barrage, The Second Barrage and Roberta's Blood Trail all in one set on Blu-ray
- Gun Ammo Case
- Series is still available on Blu-ray/DVD combo pack
NormanicGrav said:
Project Itoh
- All three films: Genocidal Organ, Harmony & The Empire of Corpses
I like, I want, shame the discs are A locked though.NormanicGrav said:OTAKON: FUNIMATION
Some pics from Funi's twitter: