Hi there, I'm new to this forum, just found it whilst searching for "Manga Force" in an attempt to find out what was next in the line-up of titles. I am subscribed to this magazine and I think it's pretty good; yes the "magazine" is crap beyond belief however I buy it for the DVDs. If I searched I could probably find them cheaper but by subscribing I don't have the trouble of pondering over which titles to get - they just arrive at my door! Also it means THANKFULLY my knowledge of anime is now broadened past Naruto. *cringe* To think that might have been my favourite anime... Praise the lord for this mag haha 
Couple of questions for the subscribers:
Did anyone else get charged extra when the mags with the binder came through? I have my invoices here (I'm missing about 1 / 2) and they all read (except the 1st one) £17.98. However the one with the binder is £21.97.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but I thought these were "free gifts". They didn't even ask if I wanted the binder, but I still recieved and had to pay for it! If I had known I had to pay for it I would have said "no thank you"! Did anyone else have to pay? Reckon we did have to pay or think it's a cock-up?
Also, with the whole Street Fighter mess, I went to watch the disc I had recieved (that was supposed to be SF Alpha) and it didn't work - I couldn't select play or anything. Anyone else have this problem? I thought that was why they replaced the disc in the following episodes but then I got confused upon recieving the apologetic letter! Does this mean I will get the SF Generations in an upcoming issue? So there is no need to contact them and replace the broken disc? Basically should I bother contacting them to replace the faulty disc or just wait and see what happens when SF Generations comes? The letter they sent confused me, I'm simple! xP
WOW sorry for the uber-long monster post so I'm going to make my key points bold so my post doesn't get skipped
Thanks everyone ^-^
Couple of questions for the subscribers:
Did anyone else get charged extra when the mags with the binder came through? I have my invoices here (I'm missing about 1 / 2) and they all read (except the 1st one) £17.98. However the one with the binder is £21.97.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but I thought these were "free gifts". They didn't even ask if I wanted the binder, but I still recieved and had to pay for it! If I had known I had to pay for it I would have said "no thank you"! Did anyone else have to pay? Reckon we did have to pay or think it's a cock-up?
Also, with the whole Street Fighter mess, I went to watch the disc I had recieved (that was supposed to be SF Alpha) and it didn't work - I couldn't select play or anything. Anyone else have this problem? I thought that was why they replaced the disc in the following episodes but then I got confused upon recieving the apologetic letter! Does this mean I will get the SF Generations in an upcoming issue? So there is no need to contact them and replace the broken disc? Basically should I bother contacting them to replace the faulty disc or just wait and see what happens when SF Generations comes? The letter they sent confused me, I'm simple! xP
WOW sorry for the uber-long monster post so I'm going to make my key points bold so my post doesn't get skipped
Thanks everyone ^-^