Keanu Reeves Enters The Live-Action Akira Casting Saga

Doraemon666 said:
if people want to see or read Akira watch the anime or read the manga both masterpieces that Hollywood should leave the hell alone.
Ditto, if it ain't broke don't fix it :)
Tachi- said:
that guy who played anakin skywalker, he fits the build well actually.

Hayden Christiansen (Not sure if the spelling's correct)... hmm... possibly, but I think he's too tall.

I agree that Reeves is too old for the part. You need a much younger actor, and if anyone even considers that twerp from Transformers I will personally have him shot!

However, I think Americans trying to rape/remake classic anime is a really, really, really bad idea. Yes, Dragonball is the obvious example, with Guyver being another.
To me, its bad enough that they dub anime in the first place!
Tachi- said:
Spike needs someone who's tall, skinny, funny at exactly the right moments but only needs a line at best to do a good joke, laid back and headstrong.

i can only think of a few persons who could pull it off well/passable.

.....that guy who played anakin skywalker, he fits the build well actually.

Firstly, the most fundamental thing an actor would need to play Spike is STYLE and powerful undercurrents of emotions constantly roiling behind a thin veil of UTTER COOL. When you look into his eyes, you should be seeing PAIN while his easy smile should, like an illusion, suggest the complete opposite. The man should be a walking paradox, an enigma, a vortex absorbing every failure and regret of his life while giving nothing away in return. He will need to be classy, he will need to be sexy, he will need to be brutal and disinterested and empathetic and angsty and cocksure all at fecking once.

Robert Downey Junior would fit the bill perfectly. George Clooney wouldn't be bad at all (I'd take an old Spike over a wooden charmless Spike any day).

Secondly, I'll admit to having vomited a little in my mouth when you passed over Leonardo di Caprio but settled for Anakin Skywanker. He's as crap an actor as Reeves, weightless, and has NO CHARISMA. I mean, if him, why not R-Patts or Zac Efron? Di Caprio, while lacking the gravitas and having no track record of ironic character roles, is nonetheless a very, very good actor. I'd trust him to only ever play Spike straight but at least he wouldn't **** it up.
VivisQueen said:
Firstly, the most fundamental thing an actor would need to play Spike is STYLE and powerful undercurrents of emotions constantly roiling behind a thin veil of UTTER COOL. When you look into his eyes, you should be seeing PAIN while his easy smile should, like an illusion, suggest the complete opposite. The man should be a walking paradox, an enigma, a vortex absorbing every failure and regret of his life while giving nothing away in return. He will need to be classy, he will need to be sexy, he will need to be brutal and disinterested and empathetic and angsty and cocksure all at fecking once.

I completely agree with this

VivisQueen said:
Robert Downey Junior would fit the bill perfectly. George Clooney wouldn't be bad at all (I'd take an old Spike over a wooden charmless Spike any day).

Hmm, now i AM a huge robert Downey Jr fan, but i don't think his face is right for it. not to mention he's not amazingly tall.

Its hard to pin down an actor who could portray the same things spike does, and the way he looks. Its the same for all the cast if you think about it, who could play Faye? who's young enough but smart enough to pull off an Ed? no idea who could play jet or Vicious either.

VivisQueen said:
Secondly, I'll admit to having vomited a little in my mouth when you passed over Leonardo di Caprio but settled for Anakin Skywanker. He's as crap an actor as Reeves, weightless, and has NO CHARISMA. I mean, if him, why not R-Patts or Zac Efron? Di Caprio, while lacking the gravitas and having no track record of ironic character roles, is nonetheless a very, very good actor. I'd trust him to only ever play Spike straight but at least he wouldn't **** it up.

Mention of these two: "R-Patts or Zac Efron" are hereby banned from this forum :p they are both annoying "actors" gaining fame through mainstream vomit.

Bruce willis as jet?

I think its safe to say we couldn't put steven seagal as spike (even though thats what the creator based spike on)
Zac's quite good, and I like R-Patz as a guy. Not too keen on him as an actor. Hatred is silly. Watch some interviews! Patz was recently on Norton, and that was reluctantly entertaining for me.
Am I the only one who just had an image in my head of R-Patz as spike and thought "he's got the look, just give him a couple years to mature and he'd make a fine spike."? Or am I a terrible, terrible person



I think we have a winner people.
As long as they postpone the movie long enough for Twilight fans to stop getting him tattooed on their bodies.

Also, Robert Pattinson always looks like he's on drugs.
R-Patts (screw you all) has the looks. None of the depth or subtlety of emotion. If you gave him five years to maybe get some (serious, hard, soul-battering) experience, I might consider him.
It's called "acting" for a reason.

A story circulated for a long time that Dustin Hoffman (being a "method actor") stayed up all night to play a character who has stayed up all night. Arriving on the set, Laurence Olivier asked Hoffman why he looked the way he did. Hoffman told him, to which Olivier replied in jest, "Why not try acting? It's much easier."
Don't be getting so excited about it being dead. It's not.
Production on ‘Akira’ has not halted or been shut down, as the film has not yet been greenlit and is still very much in the development stage. The exploratory process is crucial to a project of this magnitude, and we will continue to sculpt our approach to making the best possible film.