How to deal with anime haters?

Tachi- said:
lol yeah and they where the worse fillers in the past 10 years. (not mentioning pokemon which tbh is one BIG FILLER FEST itself)

Make them watch something stupid.... like negima.
NO NO NO NO NO i like negima in my eyes its not stupid i enjoyed that series but if you think its stupid thats your opinion
oh i know if they hate anime so much and they've never seen a 18 rated anime we should totally f up there mind and make them watch (Urotsukid?ji) all the way threw
animefreak17 said:
Tachi- said:
lol yeah and they where the worse fillers in the past 10 years. (not mentioning pokemon which tbh is one BIG FILLER FEST itself)

Make them watch something stupid.... like negima.
NO NO NO NO NO i like negima in my eyes its not stupid i enjoyed that series but if you think its stupid thats your opinion
oh i know if they hate anime so much but they've never seen a 18 rated anime we should totally f up there mind and make them watch (Urotsukid?ji) all the way threw

Only make them watch that if you want them to start another anti-anime crusade, something i bet the tories would love to get behind (don't know why but it seems like something they would do)
BlackWolf said:
animefreak17 said:
Tachi- said:
lol yeah and they where the worse fillers in the past 10 years. (not mentioning pokemon which tbh is one BIG FILLER FEST itself)

Make them watch something stupid.... like negima.
NO NO NO NO NO i like negima in my eyes its not stupid i enjoyed that series but if you think its stupid thats your opinion
oh i know if they hate anime so much but they've never seen a 18 rated anime we should totally f up there mind and make them watch (Urotsukid?ji) all the way threw

Only make them watch that if you want them to start another anti-anime crusade, something i bet the tories would love to get behind (don't know why but it seems like something they would do)
anime haters are closed minded asses
Kirsty said:
Show them some hentai.
thats cruel dude but not cruel enuff............... make them watch panda z i want to feel like they've lost more intelligence by watching panda z not make them feel sick
animefreak17 said:
Tachi- said:
lol yeah and they where the worse fillers in the past 10 years. (not mentioning pokemon which tbh is one BIG FILLER FEST itself)

Make them watch something stupid.... like negima.
NO NO NO NO NO i like negima in my eyes its not stupid i enjoyed that series but if you think its stupid thats your opinion
oh i know if they hate anime so much and they've never seen a 18 rated anime we should totally f up there mind and make them watch (Urotsukid?ji) all the way threw

Unintentially hit a nerve :p sorry, in my opinion dvd's of that series should only ever be used to wedge doors open, keep tables level, throwing frizby, something to snap when your having a bad day and need a release. and the only other use i can think of is fuel for a fire, if your having a bbq and need something to burn, throw negima in the fire.

Sorry but imo negima was rubbish.

Kirsty said:
Show them some hentai.

Tentacle or normal variety? :lol: depending on your answer, they maybe sick (bonus points for sickness)

@ Black, your so anti tory aren't you :p
animefreak17 said:
let start hating stuff they love then they'll feel how we feel

unlike anime fans, they aren't part of a niche group so you would have a hard time doing this.
Tachi- said:
animefreak17 said:
Tachi- said:
lol yeah and they where the worse fillers in the past 10 years. (not mentioning pokemon which tbh is one BIG FILLER FEST itself)

Make them watch something stupid.... like negima.
NO NO NO NO NO i like negima in my eyes its not stupid i enjoyed that series but if you think its stupid thats your opinion
oh i know if they hate anime so much and they've never seen a 18 rated anime we should totally f up there mind and make them watch (Urotsukid?ji) all the way threw

Unintentially hit a nerve :p sorry, in my opinion dvd's of that series should only ever be used to wedge doors open, keep tables level, throwing frizby, something to snap when your having a bad day and need a release. and the only other use i can think of is fuel for a fire, if your having a bbq and need something to burn, throw negima in the fire.

Sorry but imo negima was rubbish.
no no if you didn't like negima thats up to you dude
animefreak17 said:
let start hating stuff they love then they'll feel how we feel


No, but seriously, don't.

As /a/ usually says, 'hide your powerlevel' in public. Don't talk about anime, unless you know that persons an anime fan, too.
And even then, just be like, 'Evangelion wallpaper? Sweet!'. Don't be all like sticking '-kun' on their name and stuff, it's annoying.

If they're not, don't even mention it. If they ever say something about 'chinese porn cartoons' or something. Ignore it.

tl;dr: Non-anime fans don't usually hate anime. They usually think anime fans are annoying.
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
let start hating stuff they love then they'll feel how we feel


No, but seriously, don't.

As /a/ usually says, 'hide your powerlevel' in public. Don't talk about anime, unless you know that persons an anime fan, too.
And even then, just be like, 'Evangelion wallpaper? Sweet!'. Don't be all like sticking '-kun' on their name and stuff, it's annoying.

If they're not, don't even mention it. If they ever say something about 'chinese porn cartoons' or something. Ignore it.

tl;dr: Non-anime fans don't usually hate anime. They usually think anime fans are annoying.
i know but i just feel really really annoyed when they dis something that makes me happy to know about and be apart of. these people should at least learn before judging
Paradox hit the nail on the head,

its just a case of rising above it. you can't fight against them because as i said before your trying to strike back against anti anime fans.... in most cases they aren't part of a niche group you can attack back so the only way to deal with them is to do as jaymii said and punch them in the face or to rise above it and remain a silent fan in public.

Hell i see things like the totoro in toy story 3, i was in the cinema with all my friends watching it (because we are big kids) and said "thats from an anime" and my friends took the michael, its fine because they know i won't get offended but at the same time they just see it as "everythings dragonball z, or porn" So if you can't reason with em, just ignore it.
animefreak17 said:
i know but i just feel really really annoyed when they dis something that makes me happy to know about and be apart of. these people should at least learn before judging
So? They don't need to know about everything. Don't take it personally.
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
i know but i just feel really really annoyed when they dis something that makes me happy to know about and be apart of. these people should at least learn before judging
So? They don't need to know about everything. Don't take it personally.
by the way i found a anime on hmv i thought was out of stock but now its in again thanks for your help
Paradox295 said:
animefreak17 said:
i know but i just feel really really annoyed when they dis something that makes me happy to know about and be apart of. these people should at least learn before judging
So? They don't need to know about everything. Don't take it personally.
i dont but sometimes i feel i want to punch something sometimes