"A Lannister always pays their debts."
Well, the majority voted for it. Did we really expect anything else - really? It's come to a stage where we're just looking out for ourselves to survive or pushing on to "higher plains" in the world. Only people in the same situation can really only understand their own similar situation - those on long-term benefits, job insecurity with 0 hrs, pensioners feeling the squeeze, families shifted to other counties... I can only imagine what they'd be going though.
Then - a super fast train service with more trains available... which will probably push ticket prices up now too for the "exclusive" upgrade. I mean, I want the upgrade but not if I can't ride it - as many commuters with know more about as they don't get that choice.
I actually voted for Labour to TRY to push another vote towards a manifesto that wasn't my 1st choice, but I felt more comfortable with. Otherwise, I'd vote Green, and how many seats did they get? And Labour? (At least it's red county around me.) Thing is, there was no consistency in success, accuracy or bravado in the group, and this calls for a complete wipe of the party representatives, not just Miliband. They deserve to be red in the face.
But in heart - I'm happy it's a majority vote. We can EXPECT things to go a certain way. There will be some positives in the tide of negativity. Like aforementioned, the trains will be better quality (when it finishes...), a chance of a pay-rise and no income tax for those contracted 30hrs+ (which I'm just short of - damn!). Not as good as No N.I.+Income tax, but themz the breaks. Time to dig in, even when I feel we should be spreading out more.
Maybe this should be our new national symbol?