General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

Watched the first couple eps of Nagi no Asukara. Seems deece. Maybe like it could be pretty by the numbers, but I like the Atlantis type thing it has going on. It's also a young love anime and I can seemingly never finish filling my boots with them. Am I on to a winner, people?
Random question: I was having a discussion on Twitter with someone who kept on insisting that when MangaUK started their release of the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, they had a standalone release of 1.01. However, to my knowledge, MangaUK went straight ahead to 1.11; only including 1.01 as a bonus feature. In fact, I remember buying the 1.11 DVD on launch day; yet this guy is still insisting that MangaUK released a solus version of 1.01. However, FUNimation released a standalone 1.01 release in North America.

Am I losing my mind or is this guy mistaken?
Joshawott said:
Random question: I was having a discussion on Twitter with someone who kept on insisting that when MangaUK started their release of the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, they had a standalone release of 1.01. However, to my knowledge, MangaUK went straight ahead to 1.11; only including 1.01 as a bonus feature. In fact, I remember buying the 1.11 DVD on launch day; yet this guy is still insisting that MangaUK released a solus version of 1.01. However, FUNimation released a standalone 1.01 release in North America.

Am I losing my mind or is this guy mistaken?

Actually I was also under the impression they released 1.01 and then later 1.11 - but I've not found anything to support that so I've probably got things mixed up like that guy. I'd suspect it's because internet discussion on the topic was largely US led and people were waiting for 1.11 rather than getting 1.01. I've also found some UK reviews of 1.01 based on movie showings that could of added to the confusion.
I have no idea why I still remember this because I have the US release but 1.01 came out on DVD here as part of a special edition exclusive to HMV: ... alone.html

There wasn't a UK DVD (or BD) of 1.01 as far as I remember; I was tempted by the HMV version just to have a complete set but the lure of a PAL DVD isn't as great as it could be.

As I'm now four episodes behind on it, I might as well admit that I've lost all interest in Parasyte. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but it happened at almost exactly the same point I stopped reading the manga, and I'd hoped I might have been able to finish it this time.
For me it was the exact opposite - it was the first show in quite a while that completely and utterly gripped me to power on through the entire first 12 eps - formulaic at times, perhaps, but it plays to all the same strengths that something like Death Note did.
It probably is the formulaic nature of it that bothers me. It's well played, but I feel it's very by the numbers, as alien-invasion stories go, and I don't find any of the characters especially compelling. I can't see it as particularly akin to Death Note either; if anything, I've always thought of Parasyte as a slightly more sophisticated take on The Guyver.
vashdaman said:
Watched the first couple eps of Nagi no Asukara. Seems deece. Maybe like it could be pretty by the numbers, but I like the Atlantis type thing it has going on. It's also a young love anime and I can seemingly never finish filling my boots with them. Am I on to a winner, people?

It's a very good anime indeed :) Definitely worth sticking with all the way through to the end :) I am really hoping that it will eventually get licensed over here for a Blu-Ray release too :) I'm a huge fan of pretty much all of P.A Works series :)
Rosencrantz said:
Joshawott said:
Random question: I was having a discussion on Twitter with someone who kept on insisting that when MangaUK started their release of the Rebuild of Evangelion movies, they had a standalone release of 1.01. However, to my knowledge, MangaUK went straight ahead to 1.11; only including 1.01 as a bonus feature. In fact, I remember buying the 1.11 DVD on launch day; yet this guy is still insisting that MangaUK released a solus version of 1.01. However, FUNimation released a standalone 1.01 release in North America.

Am I losing my mind or is this guy mistaken?

Actually I was also under the impression they released 1.01 and then later 1.11 - but I've not found anything to support that so I've probably got things mixed up like that guy. I'd suspect it's because internet discussion on the topic was largely US led and people were waiting for 1.11 rather than getting 1.01. I've also found some UK reviews of 1.01 based on movie showings that could of added to the confusion.

I suspect as far as the home media releases were concerned, the issues surrounding 1.01 had been intercepted and dealt with by the time it came to release time, thus I would think the conclusion would be that 1.01 was the moniker which the cinema release eventually adopted.

Personally I'm still left wondering why they aren't pulling out all the stops to get 3.33 out on Blu/DVD.. If you accept their explanation that it's being delayed for extended cinema releases then there's only so far you can go with that, isn't there? Particularly when there don't seem to actually BE any cinema releases happening..
ayase said:
robot monkey said:
What was the point of those two One Piece films that were made out of re-edited TV episodes, they weren't even re-animated, where they produced for a particular reason?

Somewhat akin to the GITS: Laughing Man and Individual Eleven releases then..
vashdaman said:
PERTINENT THOUGHT: Glasslip is a f**cking beautiful work of art, please disregard the hastily typed and ill-considered review I posted last night. After giving it some serious thought, I am now certain Glasslip is a wondrous anime truly. Please see the rate your anime out of 10 thread for my amended score.

I have to agree, it's a lovely anime. Long live Crunchyroll! (and their spurious blipverts.. oh well.. I should stop being cheap, I know.. hehe)
Okay.. a couple of random thoughts..

How, as a crowd, do we feel about Gunbuster as it heads inexorably towards very nearly approaching its 30th anniversary?

Has anyone managed Serial Experiments Lain in one sitting and not ended up on another plain of existence?
Gavrev said:
How, as a crowd, do we feel about Gunbuster as it heads inexorably towards very nearly approaching its 30th anniversary?
I will always feel very good about Gunbuster, I can't quite believe that anyone would feel otherwise.

The fact that it's thirty years old however... feels slightly less good. But the inexorable march of time is hardly Gunbuster's fault.
Tried watching Gunbuster a number of years ago, but I couldn't get into it - it just wasn't what I'd expected it to be. Perhaps I might feel differently, now that I know better what to expect from a Gainax production, but I've never felt any great desire to revisit it.

Similarly, I've tried on at least three occasions to watch Lain and never made it past maybe four episodes or so. I'm sure it's full of philosophical significance, but frankly, it never made me care.
Professor Irony said:
Tried watching Gunbuster a number of years ago, but I couldn't get into it


I swear there's another version of this track because I get a slightly different tune in my head when I imagine it, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Have I just imagined my own remix?
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Here's my random prediction on how Shirobako will end (spoilers for episode 22).

Due to the author of Third Aerial Girls Squad vetoing the final episode of the anime after recording, Musashino Animation will have to scramble together to make a new episode.
As a result of scheduling conflicts however, one of the voice actresses is unable to reprise her role, which causes a lot of despair within the studio.

Until Miyamori mentions that she has a friend who is a voice actress and has an open schedule, who upon the mention of her name, Kinoshita remembers as someone he singled out during the audition process.

So Shizuka Sakaki ends up with her first major voice acting gig, for the final episode of Third Aerial Girls Squad and Shirobako.

Then, during a party celebrating the end of the series, the gang do their “Don-Don-Donuts!” thing and the credits roll.

Please end like that...with an end-card announcing season two =3.
I'm totally loving Shirobako right now - although I have to admit I'm kind of surprised (and admire) that they didn't try and introduce a romance subplot or something.

For some reason I always thought there'd be an ep where Miyamori got drunk and ended up getting off with Taoru or something (ergh)