I've watched the first few eps of FMA Brotherhood, and while it's early days I am enjoying it thus far, even though I have to say it's not exactly breaking any molds. The biggest cop out for me so far is how they deal with Ed's missing limbs, as so far it seems his metal replacements are if anything even better than the limbs he lost and his only hindrance is the awfully cool appearance of them. Not only that, but even despite this he still refuses to accept his loss and has made it his life's mission to find a way to alchemy his old limbs back. Don't get me wrong, if I was Ed, and especially if I was living in Ed's world, I too would probably refuse to accept the loss, but still I have to say I don't feel like this show is particularly affirmative for the disabled audience. In fact it's using the loss of limbs as a cheap and easy plot device really, the cause of a epic quest to regain them,
Still, I'm looking forward to finding out where this all goes.