The Italian Job - ps1.
It was all good until i got to the part where you drive round on a timer, shutting down the camera's in italy.... this was in a time where the internet wasn't as fruitful as it is now and finding a guide for ps1 games is next to non existant. So i gave up, never played it since.
Diablo - pc.
The amount of times i've installed this, played 40 something hours. Got myself pretty far down all the levels and had awesome armour and weapons.....then out of nowhere i'll lose interest and leave the game for years, only to pick it up again.....and realise my save has either corrupted or has somehow dissappeared. Dunno if i'll bother with it ever again.
Hogs of war - ps1
This game is one of my favourite games of all time. Not for the graphics, not for the "storyline" but for the epic lulz. The thought of pigs using bazooka's, tanks, airstrikes and pimp slapping another pig to its death is nothing short of genius. Sadly the isle of swill, the last level of the game. is pretty much impossible. every pig is a comando and have a vast array of firepower at their disposal.
Golden sun on the GBA,
Simply put....i don't really like rpg's like this, i'm not a huge fan of games like FF, its just dull to me. SO i got halfway through the game before leaving it alone....haven't played it since.
Advance Wars 2
Loved the game, sadly i swapped it for Golden sun....what a stupid mistake.