Forum needs a tidy up

Chrono Mizaki said:
Paul said:
All the time

That's got to be a Bot... >_>

No, I'm probably on here more than you realize. I work in an office with internet access... So, though I'm not always logged in (I like to look over all unread messages left during the day when I get home), I read AUKN regularly (every hour or so) through the day (9 till 5), then two or three more times at home as well.
Paul said:
Chrono Mizaki said:
Paul said:
All the time

That's got to be a Bot... >_>

No, I'm probably on here more than you realize. I work in an office with internet access... So, though I'm not always logged in (I like to look over all unread messages left during the day when I get home), I read AUKN regularly (every hour or so) through the day (9 till 5), then two or three more times at home as well.

Thats a true worker for you :)
Paul said:
Chrono Mizaki said:
Paul said:
All the time

That's got to be a Bot... >_>

No, I'm probably on here more than you realize. I work in an office with internet access... So, though I'm not always logged in (I like to look over all unread messages left during the day when I get home), I read AUKN regularly (every hour or so) through the day (9 till 5), then two or three more times at home as well.
Well, that is a shock to me. How very shrewd...
Although, when you mix cold, hard cash with the blood and sweat gone into making the site, such a volatile mixture may need a constant gaze around it, especially when handled by others.

But I knew Paul wasn't the kind of person to just leave things alone when it mattered, I just didn't feel his presence around the forums much. :wink:
Last time I've brought a website up it cost around 30 dollars year for domain registration + 20 dollars monthly fee for hosting on linode.

Disk size and traffic will influence the price, so that's why it's up to Paul if the forum games is kept or not, as he is the one paying the bill for them. Considering the spirit of this forum, I would also say that he does that out of love for anime, as there are no adds at all and nothing that makes me believe he gets any money, even spare change, from it.

So that's why I offered him to help. I maybe goofing around most of the time, but this doesn't mean I can't be serious when needed.

About Mod, I've look around a bit and could only find 2 guys banned, so I don't really think Paul likes to mod unless strictly necessary. I also don't like the idea of modding, if people have to watch what they are writing all the time, they would simply not post at all and the place would be dead in no time.

But tidying up, deleting the locked topics, maybe removing the users who didn't logged in in the past 2 / 3 years and things like that.

Also, but a "donate" page or something like that, but don't expect too much =)
chaos said:
About Mod, I've look around a bit and could only find 2 guys banned, so I don't really think Paul likes to mod unless strictly necessary. I also don't like the idea of modding, if people have to watch what they are writing all the time, they would simply not post at all and the place would be dead in no time.

Yeah, since the forums been up, there has only been 4 people banned, normally nothing gets too serious, its just the very odd user.

I don't agree with getting rid of users that haven't been on for years, more so the ones that used to post regularly, some may come back, as unlikely as it may seem, you never know.
Arbalest said:
Yeah, since the forums been up, there has only been 4 people banned, normally nothing gets too serious, its just the very odd user.

I don't agree with getting rid of users that haven't been on for years, more so the ones that used to post regularly, some may come back, as unlikely as it may seem, you never know.

Considering the two cases I've noticed, one was more interested in Woody Woodpecker and cartoons other then actual anime, the other was acting anti social and angry toward certain people... I'd say it's basic maintenance, just don't let things get out of hand.

About users, there are users who never posted, maybe I should be more extroverted and send them messages on their shoutboxes, hopefully they kept the standard setting and will receive n their emails and maybe, they might get the insterest again...

I've also done a bit of tests, posting in died topics and reviving them, just to see if that would work and a few topics got some interesting contributions, ie, now I know the "How manga took over the world" exhibition is worth visiting =)

I do feel that we need a spoiler section on the general discussion, where we create topics for some series and whoever enters / post there do not need to bother with spoilers...
I just mention that because I hate those tags... most of the time, I end up not post because of them.

also, not sure if it's my sight or what, but highlighting them is not enough I have to either copy and past, or click on quote to read them...
I think if you wished to do that, its just as easy to write spoilers in the topic name or something of the sort as a way to warn people in advance that the topic may not have spoiler tags. The tags are just an easier way to deal with things though, i'd rather use them.
i know that you have gone onto a other topic but i am going to slow down on the games section from here on out. i dont want to upset anyone here by always posting crap. sorry.
Arbalest said:
I think if you wished to do that, its just as easy to write spoilers in the topic name or something of the sort as a way to warn people in advance that the topic may not have spoiler tags. The tags are just an easier way to deal with things though, i'd rather use them.

Did that once and got some hate mail soon after :p
Anyway, I'm just mumbling here...After all the tags are really the best alternative, as they add extra work for someone to read the spoilers, the person can't complain later, isn't it? =) It's just that I really hate them, call me irrational =)
Tachi- said:
Aaron, pm me if you want to know how to bypass most restrictions in your workplace :p
A friend of mine installed Linux at his desktop at work to so he could bypass all restrictions =) He also rented a dedicated server and installed a proxy, so he could use youtube and msn at work...
That's what I call overkill =D

Oh yes, BTW he sits in a place no one ever sees his screen, so right after he installed the proxy, he watched the whole gunslinger girl at work... Same guy read all of Lord of the rings on the company's bathroom....
LOL that guy is great in my book :thumb: although i guess he took it to the extreme.

its a hell of alot easier to simply bypass the proxy server, and then with a bit of jiggery-pokery you can access youtube and msn :lol:

unless your unlucky like me and the I.T department discover what you've been doing and use another company specialising in blocking websites, to stop you bypassing all restrictions, then life tends to be boring :/

luckily im working a way round even these restrictions. its taking a while but i will win.

Tachi- said:
luckily im working a way round even these restrictions. its taking a while but i will win.


(imagining your evil laugh)
Well, there used to be a list of open proxies, you could always use some browse anonymizer, etc... The weird thing about that guy is that work internet became so good, that he used to spend 9 - 10 hours day at the office because of the high speed connection we had there....