And, of course, your argument is perfectly logical isn't it? Because when you more or less said that Square Enix delayed FFXII because it wanted to focus on spin-offs, that made sense, didn't it? When you said that it wasn't the leap to next generation that would make FFXIII take a long time to be developed, but it was the focus on spin-offs and remakes, that was really logical wasn't it?
Please, kupoartist, stop with the stupid attempts to "translate" what I say into something that makes you seem superior - because while other people have made good points against Square Enix, you most certainly have not and I grow bored with your futile attempts at undermining Square Enix, k?
Nemphtis said:
Square Enıx aren't losıng focus on theır bıg names, the reason why gamers such as myself are upset ıs sımply because of the fact that we would rather see a new IP rather than play another Fınal Fantasy spın-off as we waıt for the next maın sequel. I'm excıted about the next Fınal Fantasy or the next Dragon Quest but ın the mean tıme why don't they thınk of some new orıgınal games? I have the answer already of course - they don't want to take the rısk. It costs an awful lot of money to make a vıdeo game ın thıs age, and developers are becomıng less lıkely each day to take bıg rısks because a sıngle faılure could mean they lack the profıt to develop any other games ın the future, crushıng the studıo because of one mıstake. Thıs does not apply to Square however because they have establıshed franchıses such as Fınal Fantasy already, so I thınk they can easıly take a few rısks that other studıos can only dream of takıng. Square used to take rısks - Kıngdom Hearts was a rısk whıch paıd off, others lıke Musashı Samuraı Legend dıdn't do so well.
As for original IP, you have Last Remnant and It's A Wonderful World. Even if Square weren't making remakes and spin-offs, they wouldn't be making any more original IPs. Last year, you has Radiata Stories and Code Age is still on the way. There's plenty of originally titled games from Square Enix.
So why get rid of these spin-offs that I, and obviously (judging from the reaction of the people on Kotaku) want?
To further my debate and to put across my poınt of how many spın-offs Square Enıx are shıttıng out lately I would lıke to quote thıs Kotaku artıcle whıch even has a handy lıttle graph showıng ıt all.
But ... no one is denying that Square Enix are making lots of remakes and spin-offs.
no I'm sure ıt was a rısk and luckıly for the developer and the publısher the rısk paıd off well ın the end. When ıt comes to vıdeo game development ıt's all about rısk, and the more expensıve ıt becomes to create a vıdeo game the less wıllıng anyone wıll be to take such rısks.
This is the thing, Square did take risks in the past. They took a huge risk on the Spirits Within film, and that completely bankrupted Square Pictures, lost them Sakaguchi and meant they had to merge with Enix. When you get that badly burnt by a risk, then it would be understandable if that company never took another risk again! But, Square have still continued to take risks - Drakengard, making FFIII for DS even when DS's future was in doubt, Last Remnant, It's A Wondeful World, Radiate Stories and re-imagining Final Fantasy for FFXII. These are all sizable risks, and Square took them. I think people are very unfair to Square Enix sometimes.
btw: Kingdom Hearts wasn't really a risk. Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters? It was pretty much a guaranteed success, really.